
Robert Sirotek Interview

With a release date for Wizardry 8 now set, RPGDot were able to put together a short Q&A with Robert Sirotek, president of Sir-Tech, about him, the company, and the future of the Wizardry games. As usual, here’s a snippet:…

Equipment Update

Here ya go… Updated Albion Arms: Sleeves of the ForlornUpdated Albion Belts: Garnet BeltUpdated Albion Cloaks: Fire Threaded CloakUpdated Albion Crossbows: Dark Embossed CrossbowUpdated Albion Gloves: Gauntlets of the ForlornUpdated Albion Longbows: Carved Keltoi BowUpdated Albion Two Handed: Dark Spine…

Morrowind Website Update

The official Morrowind website has been updated with the following news: We have just released the second Morrowind movie. This movie focuses on some of the detail and interactivity in the game. Also, read the latest Morrowind Xbox preview from…

Mac Vampire Gold

Inside Mac Games is reporting that Vampire: The Masquerade – Redemption has officially went gold and should be available for the Mac sometime in the near future.

Desslock News

GameSpot’s RPG editor, Desslock, has written another article that talks about both the current clash between Interplay and BioWare and more on the issues concerning Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor.

Desslock News

GameSpot’s RPG editor, Desslock, has written another article that talks about both the current clash between Interplay and BioWare and more on the issues concerning Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor. Here’s a snippet: BioWare has taken ownership of…

Allow me to introduce myself

Hi everyone! I am here to anounce that I can finally begin playing DAoC! I hae been sick since the game was released, but I am finally back in good health. After reading Buck’s contributions for the real of albion,…

Equipment and Quest Update

Once again, all of these quests and equipment come from the realm of Albion. Unfortunately, that is the realm that I play on and there are very few submissions coming in from the other realms. If you play on Hibernia…

Pool of Radiance Patch v1.2

The official Pool of Radiance website has been updated with the news of a new patch, version 1.2. Here’s a rip from the site: Patch 1.2 is now available for download. Here’s what is addressed with this latest patch: Fixes…

Warcraft III Screenshot Fun, quickly becoming a great place for new screenshots, whipped up thirteen inspired screenshots teeming with color of Blizzard’s Warcraft III. The landscapes are right on.