
Wizardry 8 Semi-News

Well, it’s obvious now that the makers of the highly-anticipated yet highly-delayed Wizardry 8 have some forthcoming news in the very near future. posted today that on the Official Wizardry 8 boards, Linda Currie had this to say (though…

Trent Oster Interview was lucky enough to ask quite a few questions of Trent Oster, Scott Grieg, and Brent Knowles of BioWare about their upcoming Neverwinter Nights. Here’s a snippet: HWZ: Let’s talk about the in-game control interface. How is combat like?…

Pool of Radiance Debut Article

Computer Games Online has put up a four page article talking about what has turned out to be a disappointing launch for Ubi-Soft’s Pool of Radiance. The article has some good information on how the company plans to fix the…

Major Equipment Update

Well, Mythic added drops to Keltoi Fogou in Campacorentin Forest (Albion) last night, so me and my guildies paid a visit. The result is a *lot* of powerful new equipment, so here goes… Updated Albion Arms: Forester’s SleevesUpdated Albion Boots:…

Freedom Force Origin Movie

IGN PC has scored another movie from Irrational Games’ Freedom Force, this time showing the origin of El Diablo. The file weighs in at 14.3 MB and can be found right here.

Arcanum Review

WarGamer has written up a review of Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura, in which they have many good things to say about it, but have no final score that I can see. Check it out: Arcanum unfolds like a…


Well, since I’ve received very few submissions, I unfortunately can only continue to update the Albion pages, since that is the realm I play. If you have any quests or equipment to submit for Hibernia or Midgard, please use the…

World of Warcraft Closer Look

IGN PC has taken a closer look at Blizzard Entertainment’s upcoming MMORPG, World of Warcraft, detailing many of the features that were seen in a demo during a visit to their headquarters. Here’s a snippet: When you get a special…

PoR Character Editor

The Adrenaline Vault has added a Pool of Radiance character editor to its cheat index. The file weighs in at 1.9 MB and allows you to edit all attributes of your characters.