
Main Halls Update

Before calling it a night, I just uploaded fifteen more locations to the Main Halls walkthrough, with more to be added tomorrow. Updated Pages: Walkthrough (includes fifteen more locations for the Main Halls)

Various Updates

Here are some more quests and a couple pieces of equipment for ya… Updated Albion Quests: Search For Slith (Black Mountains South)Updated Albion Equipment: Slith’s Tail (Rings), Old Headsman’s (Two Handed)Updated Hibernia Quests: Evan’s Notes (Ardee), Strange Matters Indeed (Tir…

PoR Demo Now Available

I noticed over on the official Pool of Radiance website that Ubi-Soft has made a playable demo available for the recently released game.

Interview with Mythic’s CEO about DAoC

Considering the game’s considerable success after just a couple of days into release, a rather powerful interview with Mark Jacobs, Mythic Entertainment’s CEO, has surfaced at regarding the current issues in Dark Age of Camelot and what Mythic expects…

Morrowind News

The official Morrowind website has been updated with an announcement that it will not be released this year, but instead in the spring of 2002: BETHESDA SOFTWORKS SET TO SHIP THE ELDER SCROLLS III: MORROWIND IN SPRING 2002 For Immediate…

NWN Modeling Course Lesson 7

I was out of town yesterday and this morning, so this news is a day old, unfortunately. Neverwinter Vault has continued its ongoing course to help fans create 3D models for import into the upcoming Neverwinter Nights. In this installment,…

GameSpot’s DAoC Impressions

Who’d have thought a successful MMORPG could be launched right from the beginning, apparently without a single serious problem? According to the first impressions at GameSpot, Dark Age of Camelot is just such a game. It literally gives me a…

Retailer with DAoC

Don’t expect many more of these if DAoC is widely available because we don’t advertise for retailers unless they have something to give to the community, but sent us an email letting us know they have plenty of copies…

More Art from Camelot Artist

Tarant, an editor at Camelot Vault brings word that the artist responsible for Dark Age of Camelot’s box art, Terese Nielsen, has sent them four incredibly detailed pieces of fantasy art, including a piece for DAoC. I think the wizard…

Strategy Guide addition

Thanks to Zamphir PanFlute of the Gwenivere server we have a new addition to the Strategy Guide section, The Minstrel. For those of you just starting a Minstrel or considering playing one, this guide should give you a good idea…