
More Art from Camelot Artist

Tarant, an editor at Camelot Vault brings word that the artist responsible for Dark Age of Camelot’s box art, Terese Nielsen, has sent them four incredibly detailed pieces of fantasy art, including a piece for DAoC. I think the wizard…

Strategy Guide addition

Thanks to Zamphir PanFlute of the Gwenivere server we have a new addition to the Strategy Guide section, The Minstrel. For those of you just starting a Minstrel or considering playing one, this guide should give you a good idea…

DA Atlas Opens

The sister site to one that many of you are already familiar with, EQAtlas, but deals with your new favorite designer addiction, Dark Age of Camelot, appropriately entitled, is now officially open for bidness (how about that for a…

Walkthrough Update

I’ve just posted up an update to the Main Halls walkthrough, detailing the first 15 locations marked on the map. To those many people who have emailed us to get the walkthrough up quickly, I must ask you to be…

Midgard update.

I took today’s server downtime to update the Midgard Class sections with the same layout as the Albion sections revealed yesterday. Hibernia is next and then it is onto the spell listings. Overall, this has been a great lauch for…

Neverwinter Designer Diary

A second designer diary has surfaced over at Neverwinter Vault featuring Trent Oster, Producer of Neverwinter Nights. Entitled “When Good Features Go Bad”, Trent discusses several side effects that have occured while implementing features into the game. Here’s a snippet:…

Arcanum Review

Computer Games Online has posted a review of Arcanum, giving Troika’s RPG an overall score of 4.5 An excerpt to follow: Given Arcanum’s considerable appeal, it seems almost ungracious to point out any of its failings. To be fair, it…

Three More Combat Styles

Just in case you’re not actually playing DAoC at the moment, here are three more combat styles to take a look at. Updated Pages: Midgard Combat Styles (includes Axes, Left Axe, and Spears)

NWN Site Update

The official Neverwinter Nights website has been updated with several new screenshots and wallpapers that were previously released to fan sites awhile back. If you didn’t get a chance to check ’em out back then, head on over and take…

Another PoR Patch Coming Soon

Looks like Blue’s News has posted some news from Ubi-Soft that another patch is on its way for Pool of Radiance. Here’s a rip from their main page: On the heels of the release of the version 1.1 Pools of…