
More work to our DAoC sections

Well, the game is officially live! Unfortunately most of us don’t have the software yet, since it just shipped today. Since I couldn’t play, I played here at GameBanshee. The first update is a Race Comparison/Statistic sheet, for those of…

Stillwater Complete

I know it’s not much, but I’ve put the walkthrough for the first location, Stillwater, online. Stay tuned for more. Updated Pages: Walkthrough (includes the completed Stillwater location)

PoR Developer Profile

Looks like I missed a new developer profile posted over on the Scrying Room a couple of days ago, this time talking with Jeff Weir, Lead Artist for Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor. Here’s some of what he…

NWN Screenshots

There are several pages of new Neverwinter Nights screenshots over at the German site Many of them are slight variants of each other, but there’s still a lot of good eye candy to be had.

Lotsa Stuff

Thanks to several contributors (mainly Inix of Ice Clan), I’ve posted up quite a few updates spanning all three realms. New/Updated Albion Quests: Camdene’s Components (Avalon Marsh), Escaped Bandit (Salisbury Plains), Goblin Hunting (Caer Ulfwych), Heart of Sephucoth (Cotswold), Lady…

DAoC Live!

It’s that time. Finally, after all of the work GameBanshee (mostly Buck) has dedicated to the extremely cool Arthurian Legend-based MMORPG Dark Age of Camelot, the time has come to relax and just play it for real. No more beta…

Official PoR Patch v1.1

Just stopped home for lunch and I noticed that Ubi-Soft has made the first patch for Pool of Radiance available, which you can find a link to in our downloads section. Here’s the gist of it, from the readme: The…

Everquest Luclin Shots

Getting hyped for the new expansion to everyone’s favorite MMORPG? 😉 Heheh, them’s are fightin’ words. EQ CastersRealm has a knapsackfull of new screenshots which show off the hi-resolution character models from the soon-to-be-released game. On a man-faced tangent:They have…

DAoC Gets VE’s Can o’ Whoop Ass

One of the newshounds over at VoodooExtreme, as many of you know, was heavily involved in the most recent beta of Dark Age of Camelot, putting in over 200 hours of time into the MMORPG. Today he posted his review…

Walkthrough Begins

As many of you have already noticed, I have placed up the beginnings of our walkthrough, which basically amounts to a screenshot of every creature you’ll encounter in the game and its stats (sorted by each area). I’m working on…