
Site Revamping & Update

I’ve spent quite a bit of time tonight restructuring the way our Camelot site is set up and have changed several of our links in the process. Essentially, all areas are now broken up by realm to keep things organized,…

DAoC Beta Journal

Camelot Vault is now featuring a beta journal entry from a guest writer who was among the first to explore enemy terrain and strongholds. Included in the beta journal are eight new screenshots as well, just in case you haven’t…


Also, for those of you who are having trouble accessing the official Pool of Radiance forums, I’d also like to mention that we have a very large community of RPG enthusiasts on our forums here at GameBanshee. If you’re having…

PoR Technical Help

For those of you who are still having trouble getting Pool of Radiance to work correctly, Ubi-Soft has updated its solution center with several common problems, as well as possible fixes for each one. For example, here’s a fix for…

3D Modeling Tutorial Part 2

Neverwinter Haven has put together part 2 of its 3D modeling tutorial, this time teaching you how to create your own weapon models for implementation into Neverwinter Nights.

Another Pile of Equipment

This equipment update details several powerful items, including what is probably the most powerful halberd in the game, the Ilrazor of Sholg’Gliath. Additionally, you may want to check out the two bows and some of the rings, as they are…

New Warcraft III Visual

Blizzard has put up a new screenshot from the strategy/RPG game a lot of people are waiting for, Warcraft III. This new shot doesn’t show a whole lot other than some stats of a peasant, but it’s still worth taking…

Dungeon Siege Preview

I saw over on RPGDot that the German site has posted a preview of the upcoming RPG from Gas Powered Games, Dungeon Siege. I would normally post a taste of the preview, but unfortunately I can’t read German… …but…

Dark Age of Camelot Preview

The guys at GameXperts have put together a preview of Mythic’s soon-to-be-released MMORPG, Dark Age of Camelot. Here’s a snippet: When people think of combat in an online RPG they usually think about hitting an auto attack button and nothing…

GumbyTheBorg’s Character Editor

For those of you who want to manually select your feats and skills, I have uploaded GumbyTheBorg’s character editor for download here on GameBanshee. The editor will only allow you to edit characters in the game’s roster, but has a…