
Morrowind, it’s all about Art has been raving mad with features lately! They have the first shot of what’s supposedly going to be box art from the highly anticipated RPG Morrowind to understate it. When you sashay over there you’ll find it on the…

Midgard Preview

Eurogamer has the latest preview of Funcom’s next online game, Midgard. Tired of the monotony of killing the same monsters over and over to advance your character in current online games? Here’s a taste of where Midgard will differ: Gaining…

Silver Ioun Stone

Thanks to a viewer named James, it’s been brought to our attention that the Silver Ioun Stone is now obtainable in Throne of Bhaal, if (and only if) you have installed BioWare’s recent patch. Updated Pages: Helmets (includes Silver Ioun…

Neverwinter Scripting Lesson #11

Neverwinter Vault has dropped us an email letting us know that they have put the finishing touches on Lesson 11 in their ongoing course for scripting in Neverwinter Nights.

Pantaloons Enigma

After many, many emails from all of you requesting information on where the different types of pantaloons can be found (and the story behind them), I’m pleased to announce that Kevin Dorner has allowed us to post his in-depth “Pantaloons…

Guild Registry

Camelot Warcry has added a Guild Registry, a tool that allows guilds to advertise and to find potential members. If you have a guild or will be starting one in DAoC, head over and sign up.

Dragon Empires Screenshots

The Italian site,, has posted up several screenshots from the recently announced MMORPG Dragon Empires from Codemasters.

Freedom Force Origin Movie

IGN PC has scored another movie from Irrational Games’ Freedom Force, this time showing the origin of Minuteman. The file weighs in at 14.3 MB and can be found right here.

Dungeon Siege Armor Texture

Gas Powered Games has sent Planet Dungeon Siege a sample armor texture, which will actually be used in the retail version of the upcoming RPG.

Word from inside the Pack

ShadowBane Warcry put up an article writen by Vosx about the battles of good and evil, or lack there of, in the upcoming MMORPG Shadowbane. Here’s a sample of the article: In every other game to date, playing the Pk…