
Quest Section Added

With the recent quest additions, I’ve also went ahead and added a section for listing all quests, broken down by realm and zone. To start it off, I added the three Albion quests we had postes so far, as well…

Equipment/Quest Update

Thanks to a couple more submissions from Inix and Cynthia, I’ve posted up the details to the Cleric Mulgrut, Ivy-Weave Gloves, and Growling Ghost quests. Along with these updates, I’ve also added a few pieces of equipment. Updated Pages: Albion…

Might & Magic IX Q&A

Gamer’s Press has conducted a seven-question interview with 3DO’s James Dickinson, Associate Producer for Might & Magic IX. Here’s one of the questions: Q: Tell us something interesting about MM9 that we didn’t know… are you introducing any new aspects…

Star Wars Galaxies Movie!

Alright, that was a touch too excitatory for what you get, but over at the official page for Star Wars Galaxies, they have the downloadable 13 meg E3 trailer from May of the game in action. It wasn’t as impressive…

Shadowbane Questions

Shadowbane Warcry had the opportunity to ask two questions of Wolfpack’s Todd Coleman about the upcoming Beta 3 phase of their MMORPG Shadowbane. Here’s one of them: Question: Beta 3 has been long revered as the phase when NDA may…

Heads up!

Alright, well, as some of you know, the stuff you’ve been sending in hasn’t really been posted much. Why you ask? Because Windows XP decided it would be nice to thrash itself to hell and make me format. So now…

Strategy Guides

Today I’ve added a section devoted to Strategy Guides, which will include any guides dealing with character creation, travel, PvP, or virtually anything else people would like to send in. To start it off, I’ve posted up a guide to…

Tales From The Mythal

A new Tales From The Mythal article has been posted up over at the Scrying Room, describing one of the NPCs that may join your party in the upcoming Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor.

Desslock Article

Desslock returned yesterday to post an article about the recent terrorist attacks on the United States. Included in the article is a letter from a man who lived through the attacks on the World Trade Center, describing everything that he…