
GameZNet For Sale

I received this email from JC Smith of GameZNet, of whom I used to work with a lot on such sites as Planescapers and EQ’Lizer. It really is too bad that internet advertising has fallen apart: I understand that this…

Heroes IV Eye Caviar

GameSpot has just unleashed a set of 15 tasty new screenshots for our satiative needs. Don’t think about the fact that the game’s coming out in 2002. In the mean time just savour every bit you can when the info…

PoR Items of the Week

I’ve posted up week #8 of our Pool of Radiance “Items of the Week” feature, taking a look at the Halberd of Vigilance and the Jaws of Malice, two fairly powerful weapons to be gained during your adventures in Myth…

Arcanum Review

The guys over at RPGDot have put together a review of the recently released Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura. Here’s a snippet: Talking about side quests: there are many. So many, that you’ll be overwhelmed by the number of…

Albion Equipment

Here’s a nice pile of Albion equipment submitted by Inix. If you can fill in any of the missing information, please send an email. Updated Pages: Albion Arms (includes Troll Hide Sleeves), Albion Chest (includes Studded Spider Eye Vest), Albion…

BioWare/NWN Interview

The foreign gaming site, GamesReview, was able to ask several questions of BioWare’s co-founders, Raymond Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk, as well as the Product Manager of Neverwinter Nights, Trent Oster. The resulting answers make for a pretty good read… here’s…

More DAoC Eye Candy

I noticed at RPGVault that the foreign website has posted ten screenshots from the ongoing Dark Age of Camelot beta.

Pool of Radiance Website Update

The official Pool of Radiance website has been updated with news of when the European version of the game will be released: Pool of Radiance will be released in Europe in mid November 2001!! The fans will be able to…

Combat Styles

I’ve posted up three different combat styles that are available to certain character classes in the game, including Shield, Slashing, and Thrusting. Updated Pages: Combat Styles (includes Shield, Slashing, and Thrusting styles)