
Shattered Galaxy Preview

JC Smith of GameZNet let us know that they’ve posted a positive preview of Shattered Galaxy, an upcoming massively multiplayer game with both RPG and RTS elements. Here’s a snippet: Each vehicle can be customized with a large variety of…

Shadowbane @ Gone Blind Gaming

The guys over at Gone Blind Gaming let us know that they’ve added Shadowbane to the growing list of games that they cover. If you haven’t heard of GBG, they’re a website that lists every interview, preview, fan site, and…

When’s it gonna come out?

Well, Neverwinter Nights is on track for coming out this winter. As BioWare puts it: “Neverwinter Nights has never had an official release date. That being said, we are still on track for releasing the game this winter.” – Derek…

Walkthrough Tweaks & Item Location

Silviu sent me a couple of changes for his Baldur’s Gate walkthrough, so I’ve went ahead and posted them up, along with another location for the Tome of Understanding, submitted by one of our viewers. Updated Pages: BG Walkthrough (includes…

Ray Muzyka Interview

I read over at Blue’s News that the website Player of Games has posted up an interview [ backup] with Ray Muzyka, co-CEO of BioWare. The interview talks about a few of BioWare’s games, gaming in general, and includes a…


Well, instead of popups, I’m going to give popbehinds a try. The code I’ve implemented will pop an ad up behind your browser window, but will only do so once every 12 hours. Once again, I hope all of you…

Trials of the Luremaster in German

Black Isle Studios has released the German version of Trials of the Luremaster, the Heart of Winter expansion for Icewind Dale. You can either download it over at FilePlanet, or at the German Virgin Interactive website.

Divine Divinity Preview

Along with their WoW preview, GamesDomain has also thrown up a very short preview of Divine Divinity, comparing it to Blizzard’s Diablo. Once again, an excerpt to follow: Rather than the click-click-click spamming of the Diablo interface, spells and skills…

World of Warcraft Preview

There is another preview of World of Warcraft over on GamesDomain, accompanied by several screenshots. Here’s a taste: The title’s focus is on being simple enough for the casual gamer to play for a quick 30 minutes and yet hold…

Matt Firor Interview

Blue Monday has conducted an interview with Matt Firor of Mythic Entertainment, asking questions about several aspects of their upcoming MMORPG, Dark Age of Camelot, with a focus on how it compares to other multiplayer games already on the market.…