
Donations Via PayPal

As I have mentioned in the past, GameBanshee costs several hundred dollars a month for server hosting. Unfortunately, because internet advertising revenue is so low, about half of the server costs come out of my own pocket. I’m a devoted…

DAoC Preview @ GameSpy

GameSpy has put together a very lengthy preview of Mythic’s upcoming MMORPG, Dark Age of Camelot. If you haven’t been involved in the beta of the game, this preview will give you a good understanding of how the game works.…

Two Strategies

I’ve posted up two more very good strategies submitted by a couple of our viewers. The first is a Perfect Party strategy for ToB and the second is a strategy on soloing an Elven Fighter/Mage through both SoA and ToB.…

Ubi-Soft @ ECTS

I saw over on the Scrying Room that GameSpot has a list of games that Ubi-Soft will be showing off at ECTS this year, each with a small blurb of what the game’s about. Included in the list are such…

More World of Warcraft News

In more WoW news, Blizzard has opened an official website for the upcoming MMORPG, sporting several screenshots, two movies, a wallpaper, a FAQ, and more. Additionally, has posted several pieces of artwork and concept art from the upcoming game.

World of Warcraft Preview

Although it’s just barely been announced, GameSpot has posted a preview of Blizzard’s upcoming MMORPG, World of Warcraft. Here’s a snippet: The concept behind World of Warcraft will be familiar to you if you know of games such as Ultima…

A Little History on Our One Year Anniversary

I’m not entirely sure which day it was, but one year ago, on or around September 1st, GameBanshee was born and went “live” to the public. It’s hard to believe that we’ve been here a full year, but when I…

World of Warcraft

While browsing Voodoo Extreme, I noticed an interesting newsbit that Blizzard Entertainment may be entering the Massively Multiplayer area with a game set in the Warcraft universe called “World of Warcraft”. Here’s a rip from their news page: During a…

Artwork Section Updated

One of our viewers has pointed out that two of our Various Artwork pieces should instead be in the Forgotten Realms section, so I’ve went ahead and moved them. Additionally, another of our viewers has submitted six new pieces of…

Shadowbane Site Update

Wolfpack has updated the official Shadowbane website with the following: – At long last the Lore of the Aelfborn is finally here! Meridian informs me that this will be the last of the Race Lores for some time. – Those…