
Dungeon Siege Chat Log

Planet Dungeon Siege let us know that they’ve posted up a transcript of last night’s chat with a couple of the guys from Gas Powered Games. Here’s a quick snippet: Mogrem: in the randomized item generation will there be the…

Interplay’s Troubles Continue

According to this press release on Yahoo, Interplay continues to have financial difficulties. In fact, the article contains this alarming statement: Interplay also said that its auditors would question the ability to continue as a going concern past Dec. 31…

Download Problems

Today, Matt posted on the Camelot Vault boards addressing the download problems with the beta patch server. The problem here is that we updated our name server entry (DNS server listing) for the patch address about 36 hours ago. Apparently,…

Server Downtime

I apologize for the couple hours of downtime this evening. Our server had some unforseen problems and there was nothing I could do until our hosting provider was actually on-site.

Strategy Update

Here are four more insightful strategy guides for your SoA and ToB adventures… Updated Pages: Strategy Guides (includes Battling Balthazar, Battling Melissan, and Battling Sendai strategies, as well as the Perfect Party in ToB #5 strategy)

The Screenshots Just Don’t Stop Coming

Well, in case you’re just itching to see some new screenshots. There has been around twenty-five new screenshots posted over at this (anonymous?) website. Just beware that the pages take a long time to load. Thanks!

More Camelot Screenshots

If you haven’t had your fill of screenshots from the Dark Age of Camelot beta, there are fifteen new ones over at Camelot Vault.

PoR Q&A and Screenshots

Ubi-Soft recently released a Q&A with Chuck Yager, the producer of Pool of Radiance: RoMD, along with several new screenshots (which we posted up a few days ago). In case you haven’t seen the Q&A or screenshots yet, has…