
David Bowman’s Status Report

David Bowman finally made it to the official AE boards to post. He managed to answer a few questions while sidestepping a few more. You can view his post here. Below is a snippet: I’d like to make a statement…

Wizardry 8 Interview & Progress Report

Very high on my list for RPG’s yet to come out (only the flexibility of NWN might put that higher), Wizardry 8, is finally back in the news with some very current information from Linda Currie of the dev. team…

Freedom Force Site Update

Irrational Games’ official Freedom Force website has been updated with ten new screenshots from the game’s Washington Square Park district.

Danien Chee Interview

I read over at Planet Baldur’s Gate [ backup] that Khabal Gaming has interviewed [ backup] Danien Chee, programmer for Black Isle Studios. Here’s what he had to say about working at BIS: What do you do in Black Isle?…

Lori Silva Interview

The Dr. Twister Network’s DAoC fan site has posted up an interview with Lori Silva of Mythic Entertainment, talking about a range of topics, many of which pertain to gaming in general rather than just Camelot. A snippet to follow:…

Neverwinter Nights Preview

PCGamePlay has the latest preview of Neverwinter Nights, which includes a few quotes from some of the guys at BioWare about various facets of the game. Here’s a taste: And so we come back to the toolset. In the top-secret…

Dungeon Siege Screenshots

The guys over at PC Zone have gotten their hands on three brand new screenshots from Gas Powered Games’ upcoming Dungeon Siege (and they look damn good).

Reviews of Arcanum Coming In

The title says it all. In a review that might surprise many skeptics about the game (including me… but after reading this I may give it a whirl), VoodooExtreme takes a look at Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura, the…

Darkfall Racial Update

The devs over at Darkfall have updated their site again with another racial description, this time its the Orks! Here is the news post found on their page: After a quick poll on our boards you decided that the Orks…

Modeling Studio @ Neverwinter Vault

Neverwinter Vault dropped us an email letting us know that they have added another feature to their site called the “Modeling Studio“, an area intended to help viewers in the process of creating 3D models for the upcoming Neverwinter Nights.