
Aegis Kleais Interview

Planet Dungeon Siege had the chance to interview Aegis Kleais of the Ultima V: Lazarus project, a Dungeon Siege mod underway. In it, they discuss tips and tricks of the trade, the future of their project, and more. Here’s a…

PoR Items of the Week

I’ve posted up two more items for our Pool of Radiance “Items of the Week” feature. They are Kluusar’s Bloodstone Amulet and the Winter Blade, two fairly powerful items found while exploring Myth Drannor. Enjoy.

Neverwinter Nights Preview

Inside Mac Games has posted up a preview of BioWare’s upcoming Neverwinter Nights, giving some new insight on several facets of the game, including the single-player storyline: The official Neverwinter Nights story begins in the city of Neverwinter, at the…

DAoC Screenies

The Grail Brotherhood has another 33 screenshots from the DAoC beta, showing off new NPC skins, spell effects, and more.

High Resolution Dungeon Siege Video has a new video available for Dungeon Siege, with the choice of watching it in three different streaming sizes. The video is narrated with plenty of good information on how the gameplay works, while displaying game footage to illustrate…

Skin Color Update

Regis made a reply to the Skin Color thread over at Camelot Vault to back up Sanya’s reply on the thread. Here is his reply: Hello, all. This is an issue that gave us some pause at the beginning of…

Darkfall Developer Back!

The developers over at Darkfall have updated their news site again. Here is the news: Credit where credit is due!12/08/2001Bjørn Tore Øren, one of the orginal minds behind Darkfall (the other one obviously being Claus) is back on the Razorwax…

Skin Color

Sanya posted on the Camelot Vault boards in reply to a question on why there aren’t any different skin-tone options. Here is her reply: Disclaimer: I’m an old school, left wing liberal, whose heart bleeds for every cause. I hug…

David Allen’s Departure has more on the David Allen departure debacle: As was fairly apparent to most people reading the design on the web site, this game is technically a nightmare as concepted. We’ve been trying to trim it to something more…