
Official Interplay ToB Walkthrough

Interplay sent us an official walkthrough for Baldur’s Gate II: Throne of Bhaal, which I’ve posted in our downloads section. You will need WinZip to extract the file and Microsoft Word to read it.

Morrowind Website Update

The official Morrowind website has been updated with news of new fiction, screenshots, and wallpaper: We’ve added some new fiction to the Codex — the first sermon from The Thirty-Six Lessons of Vivec. In addition, we’ve added a new wallpaper…

Dungeon Siege @ Gen Con

DS Vault has posted up a report of the Dungeon Siege presentation at this year’s Gen Con convention. Here’s a taste: At one point during the demo, one of the characters reached zero health. If you are familiar with 3rd…

Tales From the Mythal Update

The Scrying Room has updated their Tales From the Mythal feature, this time giving a good rundown of one of the creatures from Ruins of Myth Drannor, the Ormyrr: Ormyrr give an overall impression of great strength, and can wield…

Official Terminology

Sanya replied to a post on the Camelot Vault boards responding to a question about the words she and Mythic use to describe servers Here is the post: They told me to say “shard” – I occasionally screw up and…

Darkfall Update

Darkfall, a MMORPG that was announced just a week ago, has updated its site with a new description of their Alfar race. Here is the news from the website: Alfar Racial Description up!09/08/2001 “A history of war, under the leadership…

Gothic Preview

GameZNet has posted up a preview of the european RPG Gothic, based upon a preview copy. Here’s a taste: Combine that with very detailed background and the entire world almost feels real. Suspension of disbelief has become more and more…

Baldur’s Gate Walkthrough Finished

For those of you who might not visit our Baldur’s Gate site, our walkthrough for the original classic is officially complete tonight (with ToSC coming soon). From Candlekeep to the Temple of Bhaal below Baldur’s Gate, I think you’ll find…

Baldur’s Gate Walkthrough Finished

Silviu has sent me the final two areas of Baldur’s Gate, which I just finished formatting and posting up. I hope all of you enjoy the excellent walkthrough that Silviu has written, it’s definitely packed full of information. Updated Pages:…