
Q & A with Chris Taylor

The Guru (a title you get after only have developed one KILLER game and while working on another) Chris Taylor, decided to let loose a few answers to the beautiful riddle that is Dungeon Siege. GameSpy also includes a sprinkling…

Arcanum Final Version Snaps

The final version of Troika’s Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura has made its way into the hands of an employee at Voodooextreme, and he offers us five Fallout-colored visuals of a few beginning areas in the game. This is…

Jedi Knight II Preview

On a roll today, not one pure RPG news related bit so far, here’s a preview of the sequel to two of the very bestest action/stealth games ever created, Dark Forces and Jedi Knight. Dubbed Jedi Knight II by Raven…

Sim…. Golf, an Interview with Marketeer

Now that’s a new header… ahhh, well, this isn’t traditional RPG news, but I’ve been leaning over the balcony railing as of yet so to speak, in finding new and other forms of enjoyment, and RPG’s being my primary form…

Thirty New DAoC Pics

I just noticed that one of our editors, Reuben, has posted thirty new screenshots from the Dark Age of Camelot beta in our DAoC area. Stop by and check ’em out!

Couple More Strategies

Here’s another soloing strategy and our first strategy for defeating Balthazar… Updated Pages: Strategy Guides (includes a Battling Balthazar strategy and a Soloing an Archer strategy)

Scott Bilas Q&A

Planet Dungeon Siege has posted up a news blurb that features a few questions asked by Tiberius of the Ultima V: Lazarus team to Scott Bilas of Gas Powered Games. The questions are all related to the mechanics in Dungeon…

Chuck’s Bad Hair Day..

Chuck Jacobi, Lead Artist, recently responded to a post concerning game models and bad hair. Here is a snippet: This has been a very frustrating part of character creation I must admit. It is a bit unfair to compare what…

Deck of Many Things

One of our viewers has submitted a list of every card in the Deck of Many Things (as well as their effect when drawn), so I’ve added it under our “Gold, Exp, and Items” category in the strategy guide section.…