
Function of the Day

Neverwinter Vault has another new feature called the “Function of the Day”, where they will be presenting an in-depth look at a different NWN scripting function currently in their database each day.

Scan on the EuropeanDevBoard

Scan updated some info on the EuropeanDevBoard. Heres a sample: May dragons kill any other races without any penalty like a demon? Are there any restrictions, who a dragon may kill without loosing piety to Druulk? For example: If a…

Walkthrough Begun!

Finally, with most of Throne of Bhaal now covered in our BG2 section, and with a *lot* of help from one of our viewers, we’ve begun work on our Baldur’s Gate walkthrough. Expect to see this walkthrough take form over…

Daily Update & Requests

Since Buck wasn’t romancing any of the BG2 NPCs (hey, my protaganist is a bit shy), I didn’t get any screenshots of the possible romance endings. A couple of people submitted a screenshot for Aerie’s romance finale, but if anyone…

Throne of Bhaal Contest

Each day this week, PC Zone will be giving away two copies of BioWare’s Throne Of Bhaal, as well as ten Throne Of Bhaal t-shirts. For more information, or to enter, visit their contest page right here.

New Dungeon Siege Screenshot

The Land of Dungeon Siege has posted an exclusive screenshot from the upcoming RPG, depicting a band of adventurers near some ruins.

Arcanum Problems

There’s an interesting article over on Terra Arcanum that describes a growing problem for Sierra’s upcoming Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura. As most of you already know, the game has been pushed back to a September release date in…

Neverwinter preview at PC Zone

For a very tasty preview of BioWare’s next “big thing”, point your browser over to PC Zone. The preview offers some good information and includes several screenshots. Here’s a taste: Imagine a dungeon created by a player from the ground…

Hint at the ‘Art of Horizons’ Book.

In a flurry of kung-fu like precision posting, Douglas “Dark Jedi” Shuler has once again brought the light of Dev/Fan information exhange into our lives. Ulairi from Horizons Vault asked for some insight on whether or not the Horizons concept…