

After a rough round of bitter posts by a pack of rabid knee-biting Gnomes, Doug “Dark Jedi” Shuler posted on the Dev Board to shed some much needed light on the Horizons development cycle. Once again, a small post here…

Glendenmoor Herald Issue #2

The second issue of the Glendenmoor Herald is online over at Neverwinter Stratics, presenting some new sections, including horror stories (Wicked Tales), cooking recipes (Taste of the Realms), and the Glendenmoor Bestiary. This second issue also includes some artwork for…

NPC Ending Storylines

So you’ve beaten Throne of Bhaal and witnessed the end of the Child of Bhaal saga, including what became of the NPCs in your party afterwards. Well, what about the NPCs that weren’t in your party? To give you some…

Moraff’s Games @ RPGDot

RPGDot has written up an article that takes a look back at a series of games: Moraff’s World, Moraff’s Revenge, and the Dungeons of the Unforgiven. Being some of the original Rogue-like RPGs to hit the PC, the article brings…

PC Gaming Graveyard – Ultima Worlds Online: Origin

Wondering why Ultima Worlds Online: Origin (UO2) was cancelled? Want to know what we all missed out on? Well, GameSpot has put together a huge article that depicts just that. Here’s a taste: What sort of game was Ultima Worlds…

Horizons Concept Art

Horizons Vault was lucky enough to obtain some concept art from Douglas “Dark Jedi” of Artifact Entertainment, picturing the elven city of Dael.

Chris Taylor Video Interview

I read over at that TechTV has posted up a video interview with Chris Taylor of Gas Powered Games about the upcoming Dungeon Siege. The video is quite long and although there isn’t a whole lot of new information…

TotL Update

Here are some more goodies to be found in Trials of the Luremaster, along with the addition of another walkthrough location and an update to a previous one. Updated Pages: TotL Walkthrough (includes Watchknight Crypt and an update to the…

Darkfire Bow Mystery

I’ve already received more than enough emails about the Darkfire Bow’s location, all pointing to the same spot. What really baffles me is that I’ve loaded several of my savegames, some before I battled Sendai & Abazigal, and some after.…

Daily Update

Today we have several more pieces of equipment that can be purchased in Saradush, as well as some that I missed from Ribald’s wares. With today’s update, we now have over 630 detailed items from Shadows of Amn and Throne…