
NWN Scripting Lesson #5

Neverwinter Vault has posted their fifth scripting lesson for Neverwinter Nights, this time giving a rundown of functions.

Trials of the Luremaster Review

The first review I’ve seen for Heart of Winter’s downloadable expansion, Trials of the Luremaster, has been posted up over at RPGPlanet. They’ve given it a good review, applauding Black Isle for their efforts, and recommending any Heart of Winter…

Majestic Close to Release

Well not a traditional RPG, it does put you in the midst of a conspiracy. This new genre of game is close to release. Haven’t heard of this hybrid computer/real-world game of paranoia, check the official website (). Majestic was…

Anachro demo!

Eidos Interactive has released a demo for their highly modified Quake 2 powered RPG Ananchronox. Weighing in at 92Meg, hope you all have a big pipe. Most of the servers are maxed out, but you can try on of the…

Site Updates

With today’s updates on the official site, I have mirrored both the FAQ and the storyline here on GameBanshee.

Daily Update

Sorry for the late update, but I spent all day today building a deck for my house, and then the little free time I had this evening was used to play the new IWD expansion, Trials of the Luremaster. However,…

Tales From The Mythal Update

The Scrying Room has added to its Tales from the Mythal feature, which provides in-depth background information for the upcoming Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor. This time, the feature offers a good amount of information about the the…