
NWN Chat Log Posted

Neverwinter Stratics has posted an edited log from last night’s chat with BioWare. The chat log contains over an hour’s worth of information from the Neverwinter Nights developers, so head on over and check it out.

Dungeon Siege Website Updated

Microsoft released the following press release today, in regard to their and Gas Powered Games’ upcoming Dungeon Siege: NEW CONTENT ADDED TO MICROSOFT’S OFFICIAL DUNGEON SIEGE WEB SITE Microsoft today unveiled new content on the official Dungeon Siege Web site,…

New Shadowbane Poll

Ashen sent out a quick e-mail today, announcing the latest addition to their polls. It is an interesting topic, that deals with exploiting/spying using multiple accounts. If you are familiar with Dark Age of Camelot, they allow a person only…

Trials of the Luremaster Update

I apologize for not getting an update posted earlier, but I’ve been megabusy this week, between building a deck on my house and trying to keep up with some other things on the site. Anyway, I will do my best…

Anarchy Beta Journal Cont’d

Thanks to Evan Bangs for letting us know that a new journal of the Anarchy Online Beta has been posted at This is the second installment, and to view the journal, they require a Flashlink membership.

Pool of Radiance II in August

The “first RPG to use the new (D&D) 3rd edition rules,” Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor, is due to land on the store shelves on August 30th, 2001, according to Gone Gold. Thanks to Roy Seney for giving…

Daily Update

Today, we have a whole slew of NPC interactions, including both Shadows of Amn interactions as well as new ones from Throne of Bhaal. Any interactions that require the expansion are marked with [ToB], just like our item locations. In…

TORN Dev Diary #5

Volume 5 of the TORN dev diary has gone up over at GameSpy, giving some insight into the creative storytelling of Brian Mitsoda, Scott Warner’s musical tastes, and Chad Nicholas’ AI programming ability. Here’s a snippet: After thirty minutes, and…