
Equipment and Forge Update

I will be gone for most of the day, but I leave you with an equipment update. Many thanks to those of you who have submitted some of the items that Cespenar can forge, it’s much appreciated. And if any…

Morrowind Cauffee Twauk

For the latest on the RPG that’s destined to become famous (or infamous ala Daggerfall in some respects), Morrowind, please saunter over to RPGVault’s most recent interview with Ken Rolston, designer, brightly illuminating what sets the game apart from the…

Upcoming Arcanum Chat Tuesday

Enter into your Palm Pilots the date Tuesday, June 26th, as that’s when a new IRC developer chat with Team Arcanum is happening (you can download mIRC to participate), brought to us by the folks at Terra Arcanum. The specifics:…


Along with their upcoming Throne of Bhaal chat, RPGVault will also be hosting a chat with developers from Black Isle Studios about their upcoming RPG, TORN. The chat will be on June 28th at 6 PM PST. You can join…

Throne of Bhaal Beta Patch

BioWare has released a beta patch for those of you having trouble with your NPCs in Throne of Bhaal on a Windows 2000 operating system. You can download it right here.

Watcher’s Keep, level 1 walkthrough

Ah, to be back with my party adventuring through Baldur’s Gate once again. The rush came back when I put the CD in and that great music started up. After getting my hands dirty again, I fired up the walkthrough…

Another Gargantuan Update

Whew, lots of work, but here’s another very large update for all of you to feast your eyes upon. This update includes *every* high-level ability available in the game (unless I missed one). It also includes three more very nice…

Throne of Bhaal First Impressions

Gaming Age has posted up their first impressions of Throne of Bhaal. Here’s a clip: BioWare’s disclosure that Baldur’s Gate 2: Throne of Bhaal would be the finale in the saga jolted more than a few-how could an expansion pack,…

Morrowind Site Update

The official Morrowind website has been updated with three new screenshots, the Redguard comic to their Codex section, and a new Redguard wallpaper in their Downloads section.