
Strategy Updates

Today I have added a couple of new strategies, including a way to get two Amulets of Magic Resistance in the Cult of the Unseeing Eye quest, as well as another “Perfect Party”. Additionally, I have renamed our Strategy Guide…

Buildings added locally. Links updated

Whew, Well I have finally caught up on the E3 updates. The Buildings section is the last to go live. Notice the linkbar now has a link to the buildings section. Along with this update, I have added links between…

Throne of Bhaal Screenshots

With Throne of Bhaal now gold and making its way to store shelves very soon, RPGVault has given us another taste of the expansion with sixteen new screenshots.

TORN Diary of a Designer

Legendary monsters, fantastic stories are the topic for RPGVault’s new designer diary by lead designer Dave Maldonado of Black Isle Studios for the 3D RPG TORN. A natural selection of words: But anyhow, back to The Specifics. It’s hard to…

Another DA Interview.

Personally, I think this is just a study in evations, but if you think you can actually glean some small bit of information out of this, then be my guest and check it out. Here is an excerpt so you…

More Screen Candy of Morrowind

This time it’s in the form of a number of new screenshots to be found at the newly updated Official Morrowind website. Now, for those that may not know what this game is all about (all 2 of you…), take…

Computer vs. Console Gaming

An interesting and potentially controversial article has surfaced at GameFirst about the juxtaposition of computer games and console games and how that “golden age of gaming” might be coming to an end. Do you think the trend to “dumb down”…

Gone Again

Just letting everyone know that I’m leaving shortly for a couple of days (Ozzfest concert =), but will be back later Sunday afternoon.

Neverwinter Nights Presentation

BioWare will be giving a half hour presentation of Neverwinter Nights at Fragapalooza later this summer. If you’re in the Edmonton, Alberta vicinity, I’m sure it will definitely be worth checking out. Here’s a rip from Brad’s email to the…