
Four new shots

To be lazy and quote the official site directly… The release today entails four screenshots depicting various areas of our current Beta World. In the first two screenshots, you see a Templar near a small circle of stones and later…

Lord of Destruction Preview

I see that Voodoo Extreme posted up a preview of Diablo II: Lord of Destruction this weekend. Here’s a snippet: Besides the cosmetic tweaks, they’ve improved the game’s interface, increased the size of the player’s private stash, plus also added…

Two New Websites

We’ve received word of two new Dark Age of Camelot fan sites that have opened up. First, there is a semi-official opening of Albion Apotheosis, a site currently under construction, but already containing a wealth of historical information up and…

New Camelot Editorials

Camelot Stratics has two new PvP (Player vs. Player) editorials posted up after this weekend’s PvP event in the Dark Age of Camelot beta. Check ’em out right here.

Arcanum Done!

According to VoodooExtreme’s recent short Q&A with Troika’s Leonard Boyarski, the 19th century-styled techno-magick RPG Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura is now done. Believe it or not they only had 12 people working on the game at its height……

Dungeon Siege Unedited Chat

You can find the unedited chat log of Saturday night’s… er, conference with the Gas Powered Games’ team. When a site comes up with the edited version, I’ll post news of that too. Here’s something I picked out: Q: How…

Warcraft III Gameplay Footage presents the first two of hopefully many gameplay movies, each at about 14 megs, taken from someone’s continous footage at E3. Since my modem is tied up with the AO beta download (and will be for another 24 hours……

Some Interesting Questions

Gamer asks about porting the D&D feel to NWN: Hi to all who read this post. I have some questions about the possibility to stick to the D&D rules in NWN 1) Initiative and real time:How will this contradiction be…

Druid Shapeshifting Ability

Gamer asks about shapeshifting: Will there be as many shapes as the 3rd edition allows it? Or will it be like in BG1 and 2 (only 3 shapes without ToB!!!) Here’s some old bits on shapeshifting/polymorph/lycanthropy from BioWare- Quotes: We’ve…

Dungeon Siege Video Interview

GameSpot has posted up a video interview with Christopher Lye of Microsoft, about the upcoming RPG Dungeon Siege. Chris presents an E3 video that shows some of the improvements Gas Powered Games has been making to the game.