
Diablo II Expansion Impressions

Since Lord of Destruction, the expansion to Diablo II, is due out late this month, one of the boys at VoodooExtreme got his hands on the game and put his thoughts down in this, his day 1 diary.

Warcraft III Impressions

RPGVault decided to digitally encode their impressions of Blizzard’s gem-to-be, Warcraft III. Since it’s relatively short and doesn’t really cover anything new, I’ll leave this bit without a quote.

Horizons Fan Interview

The Horizons Vault hosted another set of questions by fans to Artifact Entertainment about their upcoming MMORPG. It’s very informal and they tackle a few difficult questions. An excerpt: Q: Ok, so lets assume that Vampire’s ARE capable of keeping…

Anarchy Interview

PC.ign updates us on the latest from the recently-live Anarchy Online Beta 4 phase in an interview with lead programmer, Martin Amor. Here’s some artillery: Q: What has the team been working on most recently? A: Designers are creating tons…

Spells Update

After numerous requests, I’ve added all the item codes for mage and priest spells. This will allow you to conjure up virtually any scroll that you might need. I realize this involves cheating, which we don’t condone, but for experimentation…

Scott Bilas Q&A

The Siege Works has posted up three pages of email correspondence between Scott Bilas of Gas Powered Games and Tiberius Moongazer, creator of a huge modification to Dungeon Siege called Ultima V: Lazarus. The Q&A includes some good info on…

Torn Website Update

Black Isle’s official TORN website has been updated with some new screenshots as well as some news of an upcoming IRC chat hosted by RPGVault. Here are the specifics: WHO: You and members of the TORN team WHAT: TORN IRC…

Throne of Bhaal Elements of the Day

RPGVault has a new feature for Throne of Bhaal called the “Elements of the Day”. In it, they offer glimpses of what is to come with the expansion. The first of them features four of the high-level warrior abilties that…

Jedi Knight II Pair o’ Screens

Dark Forces and Jedi Knight were my two top action games for PC period… and I’m hoping the next game in the series, which at one time many people thought was named Obi-Wan (but that title is now going to…


Util put up some concept art of the Saris City hehe. Female Dwarf Model has also been put up. Go check it out! Sorry about the delay on this news guys I had left the category on default instead on…