
Top 10 Gaming Moments

From the desk of “throw me a bone” comes GameSpy’s Top 10 Gaming Moments. Any RPG’s make it? No not really. But the RPG gamer is cultured. We like multiple resources to diffuse our talents… therefore this could be of…

Morrowind Interview

The guys over at Gamesmania have an interview up with Todd Howard, project leader for Bethesda’s upcoming Elder Scrolls: Morrowind. A snippet to follow: Gamesmania: So, what’s been happening in the gameworld since Daggerfall? What’s the basic situation gamers will…

Howard Drossin Interview

As promised yesterday, RPGDot has posted up the second of their Throne of Bhaal composer interviews, this time with questions directed at Howard Drossin. Here’s a taste: RPGDot: What exactly did you do for the TOB Soundtrack? Howard Drossin: I…

Throne of Bhaal Pushed Back

For those of you who didn’t know, Throne of Bhaal was expected to arrive in stores tomorrow (the 7th). Today, I’ve received word that it has been pushed back one week to June 13th (for the US anyway), and Gone…

Online Fantasy Epic, First of A Kind

Not game related but we don’t usually pass up the chance to let you know about something cool with a tangent to RPG’s. Tad Williams, writer of the Otherworld fantasy books as well as many more, has hit upon something…

AO Beta 4 Screen Dimples

JC from Gameznet just let us know that they’ve released a few new screenshots from the recently begun Anarchy Online Beta 4 phase. The world looks to be really fleshing out… and the trees are quite lovely.

GameBanshee BG2 FAQ

Well, I’ve finally got around to adding a Frequently Asked Questions page. What for, you ask? Here at GameBanshee, we receive an obscene amount of email each day, in which many of them are identical and pertain to getting through…

TORN Preview

Listen up! There’s a new 3-page preview of the mighty Fallout-esque RPG set in a fantasy world and using the Lithtech 3D rendering engine by Black Isle Studios, TORN. It’s written by Gamesmania and expresses itself in this flavor: The…

Win Throne of Bhaal

GameSpot UK has teamed up with Interplay & Black Isle Studios to give away five copies of Throne of Bhaal. All you have to do is answer a question and you’re in the drawing.

Neverwinter Nights Behemoth Preview

The largest and most complete look at the game BioWare’s making us turn prematurely grey with anticipation over, Neverwinter Nights, has been written by Computer Games Online and can be found in two 4-page parts. Part I takes us through…