
Exclusive TORN Screenshots

The russian website Freelancer was able to get their hands on four exclusive screenshots of Black Isle Studios’ upcoming 3D RPG, TORN. The screenshots are definitely worth a look, as they look better than any I’ve seen previously.

Dungeon Siege E3 Pics

The Siege Works was lucky enough to visit Gas Powered Games’ Dungeon Siege booth at E3 this year and have posted up several pictures from the booth itself, including pictures of the game in action.

New Camelot Website

Niblaar dropped us an email letting us know about a new website devoted to providing news and content for Dark Age of Camelot. Here’s what he had to say: Champions of Virtue and Niblaar, a member of the Champions of…

TORN Newsbits

Black Isle Studios’ official TORN website has been updated with a couple of news items. First, they mention volume three of the TORN developer diary that was posted up a couple of days ago over at GameSpy. Secondly, they’ve updated…

Equipment Update

Omar, one of our devoted viewers, has submitted several pieces of equipment that we were missing in our database. Updated Pages: Bastard Swords (includes Phasing Bastard Sword +1), Bows & Crossbows (includes Light Crossbow of Defense), Bracers (includes Bracers of…

Throne of Bhaal DevTV

Interplay Games has several new DevTV interviews with the Throne of Bhaal development team. You can watch the interview footage via Windows Media Player. Here are the questions and persons asked: Alan Miranda, ProducerQ: What is the basic story line…

Lord of the Rings Movie Trailer

Although not specifically RPG related, the official Lord of the Rings movie website has been updated with a brand new trailer. If you haven’t watched a trailer to the movie yet, I recommend downloading the new one as the movie…

Pool of Radiance Visuals

I read over at RPGDot that the Russian site GamePort has posted up four new screenshots from Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor.

Interplay to be Purchased?

In case you haven’t heard yet, there has been talk that game giant Interplay may be purchased… and GameSpot has posted up a small article that sheds some light on just who might be the purchaser. What does this mean…

NWN Website Update

Several E3 coverage links have been added to the official Neverwinter Nights website, as well as news that the “Neverwinter Nights Designer For A Day” has ended. Here’s a snippet from the news: Hey Everyone, First of all the Neverwinter…