
The Fall of Online Advertising

Rarely do I read an article on the web that really hits home, but today, while browsing the Adrenaline Vault, I came upon a good one. The title of the article is The Fall of Online Advertising: So You Want…

Neverwinter Nights Preview

There is a very brief preview of Neverwinter Nights posted up over at Quarter to Three, based upon the demo shown at E3. Along with a quick rundown of the game, the editors have added their own comments about what…

Shadowbane Preview

The Dr. Twister Network has added some E3 coverage which includes a Shadowbane preview. The preview is more of a comparison to Ultima Online, but offers some good information. Here’s a snippet: But it’s the game play that has received…

DAoC Preview

The Dr. Twister Network has added some E3 coverage which includes a Dark Age of Camelot preview. The preview is more of a comparison to EverQuest, but offers some good information. Here’s a clip: Some of the things I saw…

DAoC and Shadowbane Previews

The Dr. Twister Network has added some E3 coverage which includes both Dark Age of Camelot and Shadowbane previews. The previews are more of a comparison to other MMORPGs, but offer some good information. Here’s a clip from the DAoC…

Wizardry 8 First Look

A first look, new screenshots, and a video for Wizardry 8 is available over at GamePower. You can find the preview and screenshots here and the video here.

Morrowind Preview, Screenshots, & Movie

The entertainment advertiser, UGO, has posted up a preview, eight new screenshots, and both a high-bandwidth and low-bandwidth video from Bethesda Softworks’ upcoming Morrowind. You can find it all right here.

Ultima The First Screenshots

The team that’s tackling the remaking of Ultima I released some new fine-looking screenshots. No monsters yet (just scenery) but it looks to be quite an improvement over the monochrome 4-shades-of-grey graphics of the original. =)

Chris Taylor Interview

I read over at Siege Works that the LA Times conducted an interview with Chris Taylor of Gas Powered Games about Dungeon Siege. There’s some pretty good information to be had, so it’s well worth a read. Here’s an excerpt:…

Neverwinter Screenshots

Over the last few days, RPGDot has added two batches of screenshots from BioWare’s upcoming RPG, Neverwinter Nights. You can find all of them by clicking here.