
Roguelike Games @ RPGDot

RPGDot has a new feature to bring the genre of roguelike games into the spotlight. They’ve posted an article entitled “Introducing the Roguelike genre”, which is a short history of the genre. Here’s a small excerpt: Roguelike games are turn…

Characters Per Key

Gamer asks about how many characters will be allowed in the official bioware vaults: Does anyone know if you’ll be allowed more than one official vault character? I have to assume that since it’s automatically checked out and back in…

BioWare Logo

Asking about the logo: Can I use a Neverwinter Nights logo, like the one on the top of the forum, on a website without breaking any copyright laws?. Who and how do i credit BioWare on a site like that?.…

David Arneson Interview

Following up on yesterday’s interview with Gary Gygax, Computer Games Online has posted up an interview with the other half of the beginning of fantasy role-playing as we know it, David Arneson. Although not getting as much credit as Gygax,…

Dev Chat Tomorrow

Remeber, there is a Dev Chat tomorrow. The Info is listed below: or Irc2.of-istaria.comPort:6667Channel:#horizons – The channel where the chat will be held. It WILL be moderated#horizons-chat – The unmoderated channel. the chat will start at 6pm PST. If…

Artifact Entertainment is looking for YOU!

There are a few positions open at Artifact Entertainment. First off they are looking for more concept artists, and like right away. So if you think you can do it, and are willing to start working within two weeks, send…

Taking 20 continued…

Relating to yesterdays hot topic: …Thanks from dropping by and allaying our fears Rob, it’s nice to know that even in this ‘late’ stage of the game people can still get frenzied about something No worries, everyone, and no need…

Incase you were wondering…

There is no Shadowbane update this week. =( Although disappointing, it isn’t surprising. With E3 just around the corner updates will probably be scarce. Of course once E3 hits and all those lucky folks that get to go post up…