
Dimension Door

Gamer asks about casting ‘dimention door’: Will we be able to cast Dimension Door to other towns and others can step through the Doorway and arrive there instantly.Or places that weve been to before so we can cast Dimension and…

Day / Night Timing

Gamer asks about day/night cycles: Anyone know what the day night cycle in the packaged game will be.. in minutes or hours = 1 day ??Will we be able to totaly control how characters rest and regain HP’s and spells..…

Of Ships, Seas, and Servers

Gamer asks about the possiblity of ships and area transitions: In working up my world design, I found myself wondering if the initial release of NWN will have tiles/objects to support ships/sea type zones? If not, will there be enough…

Tile Heights

Gamer asks about hills, mountains: Just a quick question about tile heights. Are we going to able to create terrain like hills and mountains? I know that buildings can be multi height but what if you wish to place a…

Magic Items

Gamer asks about a magic items server ‘point value’: I heard that nwn will be able to calculate the price of a magic item. In that case, the program will probably use some “strength points (SP)” for the weapon as…

NPC Updates

Tonight, I’ve added some NPC interactions submitted by our viewers. I’ve also posted some of Aerie’s romance information under Haer’Dalis concerning what happens if he joins your party while you’re romancing her. Updated Pages: NPCs (includes updates to Aerie, Haer’Dalis,…

Dungeon Siege Contest

Do you like contests? How about one to win a Dungeon Siege poster signed by Chris Taylor himself? Well, if you do, then head over to the Dungeon Siege Vault, where they are awarding one of the above posters to…

Dungeon Siege Chat @ The Zone

Microsoft sent out this official press release about a chat with Chris Taylor of the Dungeon Siege development team. You can bet at least a couple of us from GameBanshee will be there: Microsoft today announced that on Monday, May…

Throne of Bhaal Developer Diary #3

GameSpy has yet another BG2: ToB developer diary posted up, this time by the BG2 artist Tony de Waal. Tony talks about the animations they’ve created for Throne of Bhaal, and how they compare to the previous Baldur’s Gate games,…

Neocron Preview

The Online Gaming Network has posted up a preview of the upcoming MMORPG Neocron, complete with a storyline, characters, gameplay descriptions, screenshots, and more. The article was actually written by an editor from Neocron Central, but you can find it…