
RPGDot Article

RPGDot has posted an interesting article about advertising within games. The article talks about whether or not gamers would be offended to see advertisements placed within their games. Here’s a snippet: The question of advertising within games has once more…

Diablo II: Lord of Destruction Preview & Screens

First to the eye candy, since there are two drool-worthy item shots (with commentary) up at First is a new Zon only pic of a new type of javelin in Diablo II: Lord of Destruction, the rare Ceremonial Javelin.…

SW Galaxies Coupla Concepts

The phenomenal artist(s) at Verant, working on the it’s-gonna-be-huge MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies, released a couple of new concept art pieces for our optical stimulation. So sashay over to the official SW Galaxies page to view the new colored pic…

more news

more news today on the main website: Horizons Progress Report on There’s a progress report over on Horizons from David Allen. Here’s a clip:The character models are incredible – the Dragon, Angel, Demon, and more – the art…

Six More Walkthrough Locations

I’ve added six more locations to our PS:T walkthrough this evening. As always, drop us an email if you find any mistakes or would like to add any information. Enjoy =). Updated Pages: Walkthrough (includes the Brothel of Slating Intellectual…

GameBanshee Feature: Dungeon Siege Website

We’re pleased to announce that we’ve added another game to the Banshee network, Gas Powered Games’ upcoming Dungeon Siege. Currently, you can find an overview, a list of the development team, the official FAQ, and a whole slew of screenshots,…

BG2: Throne of Bhaal Interview

I just read over at Planet Baldur’s Gate that Gaming-Unlimited had posted up an interview with Doug Avery of the BG2: Throne of Bhaal development team yesterday. There’s a full 20 questions, so be sure to head on over and…

Dungeon Siege Hands On

The Siege Works has posted up an article giving an in-depth description of playtesting the upcoming RPG from Gas Powered Games, Dungeon Siege. Here’s an excerpt to get you started: So I opened up my inventory and the packmule’s inventory…

FAQ Question Submission

Utildayael posted this on the news: In an effort to bring the FAQ up to date and to answer new questions in the process, we are setting up a new email address at Artifact Entertainment. The new account is:…

EverQuest Frustrations Surface

The game has the capability to foster strong emotions toward its virtual world and inhabitants to a degree I’ve haven’t seen matched ever. It’s EverQuest, and one man argues that the way the game was meant to be played is…