
Module Sizes

Gamer asks about how big custom modules are bound to be: Anybody knows what will be the size of a module file? I know it depends on how many areas and their sizes….consider a maximum number of areas with maximum…

What happens when a script goes bad

Gamer asks about the implications of bad scripting: …What is the potential for custom scripting to lead to buggy games? I’m just thinking that with so many people planning persistant worlds and continuous running scripts, will we be seeing games…

Various Updates

After numerous emails asking where the Ghoul Lord area was, I have added a location that I missed when I initially posted the walkthrough, the Ghoul Lord Bridge. While posting this up, I took the oppurtunity to add two pieces…

Walkthrough Addition

Tonight I’ve added a very lengthy walkthrough location, the Clerk’s Ward, as well as the “dungeon” underneath the ward called UnderSigil. I’ll have the Civic Festhall and the Brothel of Slating Intellectual Lusts up next. Updated Pages: Walkthrough (includes the…

New DAoC Screenshots

Looks like Camelot Nexus posted up a whole slug of screenshots from Midgard, the recently opened realm in the Dark Age of Camelot beta. You can find them here.

Morrowind Design Diary

VoodooExtreme has posted up the fifth edition of their Morrowind Design Diary, this time with comments from one of Bethesda’s programmers, Mike Lipari. Here’s a snippet: By this point, the average reader already knows that Morrowind, the third RPG in…

Blizzard Diablo II Expansion Whips

Keeping up their hype machine to a finely-tuned mellow purr, Blizzard continues to send us visual morsels of the expansion pack to the number one selling game of last year, Diablo II, Lord of Destruction. There’s one of the new…

SW Galaxies Colored Art

Now, judging by the title, if you were an average person who happened by randomly, not a gamer and weren’t looking specifically for this site… that phrase might sound completely childish and worthless. However, you’re not. You know that the…

The wait too much?

A little web wandering led me to this. Fallen Age is a game I have glanced over once or twice, and to be honest, their please everyone approach didn’t hook me. Well, recently it has gone into beta (without an…

Pool of Radiance Chat Log Posted

For those of you who missed it, RPGPlanet hosted a chat this evening with the development team working on Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor. I just finished editing the log and have posted it up for your reading…