
DAoC Preview

Carith from Lum the Mad has posted a preview of Dark Age of Camelot, saying many good things about it (as did I, in our preview). Here’s a quote: They have pinpointed several areas that have always been a problem…

Bard’s Legacy Interview

RPGDot has posted an interview with Jon Starnes, one of the people behind the development of the Bard’s Legacy titles. What are they? Well, for those of us who played the original Bard’s Tale games, they are two games, one…

GameBanshee’s Shadowbane Bestiary updated

Following today’s updated of the Bestiary from WolfPack, I have added the new monsters to our local version of the Bestiary. I have also changed the format from a single page to the right linkbar navigation similiar to our other…

New model!

Artifact Entertainment released some things today: first off is a revised Human female and the other things they released are three new animations: Human female walking Human female running Human female slashing well that looks like thats it.. 🙂

Shadowbane weekly update – Bestiary

WolfPack continues their weekly updates today with a few new bad guys in the bestiary. The new badies are: Arctic Grobolds, Blue Drakes, Daelanc, Genies, Lizard Men, Mountain Wolves, and Swamp Hags. Each has a listing for Habitat, Temperament, and…

Richard Garriot Interview

The man behind the games that are called Ultima, Richard Garriot, was the subject of a series of questions (the first questions since his NDA with EA expired) over at GameSpyDaily. Here’s a small excerpt: GS: What are your plans…

BioFiles Update

eUniverseGames has posted up a column entitled the BioFiles today (you may remember it from GA-RPG) where James Ohlen, BioWare’s writing and design department director, talks about the first three chapters of Baldur’s Gate II. Here’s a quote: Chapter 1…

Happy Puppy Article

I unfortunately missed an article posted up on Happy Puppy several days ago, but I thought I would post about it anyway as I feel it’s pretty down to earth and filled with some interesting opinions. It’s an article about…

Lotsa Locations & More Items

Thanks to our very informative viewer Omar, I’ve posted up a whole slew of equipment locations, as well as two pieces of body armor I had missed. He’s also pointed out that the Dread Bond should be posted in the…