
Anarchy Online Pics

German site Gildenweb has posted up an assortment of pics from the MMORPG in beta, Anarchy Online. You can check ’em out right here.

Upcoming Chat

The guys at Stratics are hosting another Neverwinter House of Commons developer chat this Wednesday, April 11th, at 7pm PST, 8pm CST, 9pm EST. Channel #nwnhoc. Team members from BioWare will be there to answer any questions about the game.…

Blizzard Article

I read over at RPGDot that Fantasy Online has posted up a controversial article entitled “Blizzard Has Lost The Plot” talking about their original games, such as Diablo I, and where they’ve taken games such as Diablo II and Warcraft…

Throne of Bhaal Diary #2

Scott Langevin, the lead QA for Baldur’s Gate II: Throne of Bhaal, has posted up a developer’s diary over on RPGPlanet. Scott talks about quite a few aspects of QA on the expansion, including: …it’s now time for the BioWare…

TORN Preview

GameSpot UK has posted up a preview for the upcoming Black Isle RPG, TORN. The preview includes some new screenshots and a sentence or two from Dave Maldonado, the game’s lead designer. Here’s a bit of the preview: Torn will…

Trap Idea…

Gamer asks for details on how to implement a pit: Is it possible to have a pit-trap that moves characters to a different location when they trigger it? – preferably just the characters that are above the trap at the…

Throne of Bhaal Chat!

I just received this email straight from Interplay: In our continuing efforts to keep our fans right up to date on our games, we are very happy to announce that Black Isle Studios, BioWare Corp. and the IGN Vault Network…

Game Dev Conference MMORPG Highlights

Curious about how your puny 28.8 modem allows you to keep up with your friends (or enemies too I suppose) who use a DSL line or T1 in all the complex happenings of your favorite MMORPG? Of course you are!…

Anarchy Online From Within

eUniverseGames climbs to the top of preview mountain today with an extraordinarily deep look at the sci-fi MMORPG Anarchy Online, explaining the experience in fine detail. Fishing for words, here’s what came up: The combat system was quite nice and…

Wiz 8 Preview

We haven’t seen one of these pop up for a few days now, so after the abundance of Wizardry 8 news last week, here’s something to keep the info burner on simmer. GamesMania is indeed a games site, though it…