
Following up the GameSpot Review

Rob took a second and made some comments on the recent gamespot review, check it out below: Yup, Gamespot has a slick 5-page NWN preview up with a few new screenshots to boot. A fair amount of new information, too,…

Message Board News

Garrett Graham paid a short visit to the message board, and had the following to say: “The Demo should be out around the same time as the full version of the game. We have not slipped our dates (from our…

Dark Age of Camelot Beta 3

Good news for all of you wanting to get into the Dark Age of Camelot beta! Lori Silva, DAoC’s beta coordianator, dropped this email by us today: Online applications for Dark Age of Camelot’s Beta 3 will start to be…

Throne of Bhaal Screenies

Russian site GameOver Online has posted up a slew of screenshots from the upcoming BG2 expansion, Throne of Bhaal. Check em all out right here.

DAoC Beta Journal Update

Camelot Vault has posted up their 4th beta journal, which reports information about the Dark Age of Camelot public beta (for those of you who haven’t seen it yet). In this journal, the character will learn the value of traveling…

Poll Added

I’ve posted up a poll similar to one we ran many moons ago entitled “Which MMORPG is going to dethrone EverQuest?” I encourage all of you to voice your opinion on which game will become king over the EQ giant.…

TORN Screenshots

Black Isle has posted up three more screenshots of their upcoming RPG, TORN (why is the name always capitalized?). You can see the new ones, as well as the original, by clicking here.

Kohan Review @ Stratos Group

The Stratos Group has posted up a review of the upcoming RPG/RTS game, Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns. Here’s a taste: Having a competent company AI is vital in a game where you have no control over individual units, and thankfully Kohan…


I’m back from my business trip to KC and see that we’ve been unable to post any Questions of the Day. The reason for this is that my contact at Interplay is out of the office and until he returns,…