
Wizardry Eight Shots

With all the Wizardry 8 updating you’d think we were an unofficial fan site, yeesh! These screens are from the March 13th updating on the official Wizardry 8 site, but since that site is very slow and difficult to navigate…

Wiz 8 Alteration

And here’s a bit of good news on the Wizardry 8 front. The team announced on their Official Site that they’ve reduced the loading times significantly. From some of the various message boards such as the Official Wiz 8 board…

Wizardry 8’s Ian Currie on the Delay

If you’re as anxious to get your hands on Wizardry 8 as I am, you’ve no doubt noticed that there’s a slight snag. The game they funded by themselves has yet to elope with a publisher. This news in itself…

Star Wars Galaxies Race Selection Deepens

The MMORPG many of us are holding a secret hope to be as good a game… or better, than the movies that inspired it, Star Wars Galaxies, includes 8 playable races. The Verant team has been teasing us every other…

Richard Garriot on UWO Collapse

GamespyDaily posted some brief thoughts by Richard Garriot, founder of Origin way back when, on the demise of Ultima Worlds Online: Origin. He offers a little bit of insight on what the suits at EA might have thought about the…

Anarchy Screen Adjuncts

Yep, there’s more screenshots from the sci-fi MMORPG that’s been pushed back until summer, Anarchy Online at Gamespy… exactly three of them.

TORN Announced

GameSpy has posted up a descriptive article about the RPG that Black Isle Studios just announced at the Game Developers Conference, TORN. Here’s a taste: The game, which was originally called “The Sundering” until marketing thought the title might be…

Question of the Day Update

Since many of you have been wondering what to expect with Watcher’s Keep (the new dungeon that will be available in ToB), we decided to ask Doug about it for today’s QotD: Can you give us a summary of what…

Pool of Radiance Interview

The Scrying Room has posted up an interview with Ken Eklund, a freelance writer who worked with Sarah Stocker, Lead Writer at Stormfront Studios, to develop Pool of Radiance’s storyline. Here’s one of the questions they asked him: Us: What…

D2 Does 800×600

You can get more on the news that Diablo II is going 800×600 with the Lord of Destruction expansion pack in most detail by visiting for their comparison of the two different screen sizes. Also, be sure to take…