
Point & Counterpoint: Realism at D&D High Levels

Flagg: Let’s see where do we start. Applebrown: heheh. think about Throne of Bhaal [expansion pack to Baldur’s Gate II] and what concerns you about the high levels you can attain. Flagg: I was thinking about the translation of Pen…

Automated Skill Checks

Gamer asks about scripting skill checks: …will we be able to include automatic Skill Checks in our scripting? Such as… Player walks over XCheck Search Skill, If result > 15message the player, “You think the door ahead is trapped…” or……


Gamer is worried about the limitations of AI: Let’s say i’ve just created a module, and I’m the only DM. It’s a scene where the PC’s are a small party and they are fighting an evil party of my creation…

BG2: Throne of Bhaal Preview

Just a quick bit of news on my lunch break, thanks to Lucian. RPGPlanet’s Joost “Silverdawn” Loijens has posted up a preview of the upcoming expansion for Baldur’s Gate II, Throne of Bhaal. Here’s a taste: One new class kit…

GameBanshee Feature: Realism at AD&D High Levels

What do you think about the ultra high levels in Advanced Dungeons & Dragons you can reach in games such as the expansion pack to Baldur’s Gate II, Throne of Bhaal? Are they something you’d advocate for all AD&D games…

Help Out BioWare

BioWare’s Brad Grier sent an email out to the guys at Blue’s News asking Baldur’s Gate fans to send in save games to help them with the development of Baldur’s Gate II: Throne of Bhaal…. Wanna help with the development…

Buck’s Back / Equipment Update

Well, I’m back from Spring Break and am going through the gazillion emails in my inbox. For all of you that have submitted information or strategies, please be patient while I sort through them all. To keep the information flowing,…

Win Fallout Tactics

RPGDot dropped us an email letting us know that they are sponsoring a contest to win a copy of Interplay’s recently released Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel. All the information you need to enter can be found right here.

Anachronox Screenshots

GameSpyDaily has posted up 4 new exclusive screenshots from the upcoming RPG from Ion Storm, Anachronox. You can find ’em right here.

Buck’s Back / Question of the Day

Well, I’m back from Spring Break and am going through the gazillion emails in my inbox. For all of you that have submitted information or strategies, please be patient while I sort through them all. To keep you occupied, I’m…