
Height Transitions in Tilesets

Gamer asks about how the tilesets will handle height transitions: Height transitions updates?…1.) Will height transitions be limited to 1 raise/lower next to the adjoining tiles?2.) If there are tilesets that will allow for more than one height transition at…

Getting a Full List of Skills and Feats…?

Gamer asks for a full list: Can we get a list of skills and feats? …I don’t think we’re planning on releasing the complete lists of creatures, spells, item types, items, magic items, script functions, tile sets, groups, features, skills,…

Atriarch Creature Month

At the official page for the forthcoming MMORPG Atriarch, there are some really cool things happening this month. They just kicked off what they call “Creature Month” (last month was “Story Month”) and a really fun utitily called The Creature…

Question of the Day Update

Today’s question will look at the how the teams of Baldur’s Gate 2 and Icewind Dale worked together. Was there a competitive element between the Icewind Dale and Baldur’s Gate I/II development teams? Or did you all work together to…


Gamer asks how traps will work: traps: At this point, the radial names and submenus only show up when you cursor over them (eventually this will be a preference you can set in an options menu) so that might be…

Developer Diary

The guys over at GameSpy posted the first installment of Horizons Developer Diary today, check it out here.

Options On Character Faces

Gamer asks, exactually how does the important face creation work? I was wondering what kind of options on charcter heads we would have specifically for for PCs. I mean general options, like having three hair-length options eg. bald, short hair,…

Ultima Worlds Online: Origin Interview

The guy with a “weird job” at Origin, actually the Tech Lead but with many different responsibilities, answered a few questions with UltimaHaven about that sequel MMORPG thing they’re doing called Origin… UO2 is another name it goes by unofficially.…

DAoC Birth of a Beta Player

CamelotVault has started up a new series of hands-on articles based off their play on the 2nd beta which is coming to a close soon. The first is a nicely woven tale of the birth of a character and the…