
Water Revisited

Gamer revisits the specifics of water: Can characters enter water? I don’t mean swimming, but just wading trough a shallow stream for example… Or would they actually have to cross a bridge to get to the other side? Quote(Trent Oster,…

One Click Equipping?

Gamer asks about the option of equipping any combination in one click: …The picture I’ve always had of my character was a ranger who could pick off enemies at a distance with his bow and then drop that bow and…

GameBanshee Feature: Horizons Interview

More new Horizons tidbits are coming your way due to David Allen, lead designer of this impressive sounding MMORPG, lending his time for a new interview at GameBanshee. Among the interesting topics discussed: GB: With regards to the world master…

Horizons: Empire of Istaria Interview

Artifact Entertainment announced full-scale development of its Horizons MMORPG project on November 1st, 2000. Now, several months later, GameBanshee Horizons has had a chance to talk to David Allen, Lead Game Designer of Horizons: Empires of Istaria, and CEO of…

Questions and Answers

I’m not sure how many of you view the “Question of the Day” features on our Icewind Dale and Pool of Radiance areas, but we’re going to be doing the same thing with Baldur’s Gate II *next week*. Yep, you…

Twisted Rune Strategy

Here’s another Twisted Rune strategy for all of you playing through the game a second, third, or twenty-sixth time =). Updated Pages: Strategy Guides (includes a Shangalar & The Twisted Rune strategy)

Mythic @ E3

Looks like Mythic is going to have quite a large presence at this year’s E3 trade show, according to a post on their website a few days ago. Quotage below: In conjunction with its partner, Abandon Entertainment, Mythic is slated…

News from the message board

Garrett payed a little visit to the official message board, where he had the following comment on turn based games: “Actually, the biggest knock on TB games is that they make for very slow multiplayer games. Most people get frustrated…

New Titlebars

GameBanshee viewers, I’m pleased to announce that each game at GameBanshee now has its own unique titlebar to distinguish it from our other areas. This is only a cosmetic change, but I feel it adds some distinction to each game…

Morrowind Interview

Destination Morrowind has posted up an interview with Matt Carofano, the lead artist on the the RPG that I can’t wait to get my hands on, Morrowind. Here’s one of the questions: Q: Anyone who’s seen the screenshots can attest…