
Heart of Winter Quiz

RPGPlanet comes at us with another of its RPG quizes, this time focusing on the expansion to Icewind Dale, Heart of Winter. Test your mettle by diving into this 20 Question Quiz.

Create Item Skills and Scribe Scroll

Gamer revisits these two topics: A lot of people have been saying that Create Item skills and Scribe Scroll won’t be implemented in the game – but so far I have heard no official word from BioWare…Now I understand it…

Ubisoft buys SSI

While SSI has only recently been bought by the Gores Technology Group last September, it is already on the move again. The Gores Technology Group is selling the entertainment division of the Learning Company. The last takeover of SSI resulted…

Editors Wanted

Interested in covering Horizons right here on GameBanshee? We’re currently looking for people interested in posting recent happenings on this upcoming MMORPG from Artifact Entertainment. If you’re interested, drop me an email for more information.

New Movies @ XRoads

I saw over at Crossroads of Camelot that they’ve posted up 4 new movies showing off some of the spells available in the beta, as well as the fortress known as Prydwen Keep. The new spells that they’ve chosen to…

Another Throne of Bhaal Preview…

…and this time it’s at GameSpot. Spanning an impressive 5 full pages and including new screenshots, this preview should give you a good understanding of what the Baldur’s Gate II expansion is going to be all about. Here’s an excerpt:…

HoW Question of the Day Begins!

Thought some of you BG2 fans would be interested in this news, as we will eventually move on to Throne of Bhaal questions… I’m pleased to announce that we’ve begun a new “Question of the Day” feature here at GameBanshee,…

HoW Question of the Day Begins!

I’m pleased to announce that we’ve begun a new “Question of the Day” feature here at GameBanshee, very similar to what we already provide in our Pool of Radiance section. In case you haven’t heard of it, this feature will…

Walkthrough Updates and Strategy

I’ve renovated our walkthrough today with quite a few new bits of information, including several new areas in the Barbarian Camp and some additional subplots that occur if you return to Lonelywood after your final encounter with Wylfdene. Along with…

Daily Update

Remember BioWare/Black Isle fans, GameBanshee will be starting a new feature this week entitled the “Question of the Day”. For those of you who haven’t heard about it yet, we will be sending a question each day to the producer…