
Possible take over

It seems that SSI is in very turbulent waters these days. They were recently bought by the Gores Technology Group, and now there is an article that UbiSoft is looking to acquire SSI. The last take over resulted in a…

GeForce3 Screenies Posted

I’ve posted up the various screenshots that were released this week showing off what the GeForce3 can do. You can find them in our screenshot section or jump right there by clicking here.

Shadowbane journal, version 2 – Now showing.

WolfPack has tossed its rabid fans their weekly morsel. This time it is in the flavor of a second Shadowbane journal. The adventures of Gamil Zirak. Both the orginal and this second journal update have proven very informative. The latest…

HoW Goodies

Here’s another batch of equipment and spells from Heart of Winter. I’m getting a little low on equipment, so if you know of any equipment that we don’t have posted, please send it in. Updated Pages: Bastard & Broad Swords…

Neverwinter Preview

GamePen, one of the older gaming sites around, fired up a four page preview of NWN, the game atop most RPG cant-wait-for polls. I squeezed it gently and this is what slipped out: Of course, all of that prettiness is…

Neverwinter Nights Sneak

GamePen, one of the older gaming sites around, fired up a four page preview of BioWare’s game atop most RPG cant-wait-for polls, Neverwinter Nights. I squeezed it gently and this is what slipped out: Of course, all of that prettiness…

Dark Age of Camelot Preview

The Corporation’s Miss Tweety has posted up a very lengthy preview of Dark Age of Camelot, including some in-depth information from a visit to Mythic Entertainment’s complex. Here’s an excerpt: Water, water, everywhere. Lakes, streams, rivers all over the place,…

Crossroads of Camelot Contest

Good at writing fiction? Good at writing Arthurian fiction? Well, if so, Crossroads of Camelot is holding a contest where the most creative and original story submitted wins a DAoC beta account. Interested? Thought so. Click here.

Anarchy Online Beta Journal

Raily Dadar gives us a little more than the normal glimpse into the beta of the sci-fi MMORPG Anarchy Online with a lengthy look at the gameplay through the lower levels. One thing I was impressed with, as I did…

Heroes of Might & Magic IV

No, it’s not RPG news but we’re not too strict about that here; most anything that sounds good and could be stretched to be RPG-related can make the news. I mean let’s look at the features of the game: it…