
Dungeon Siege Supplementary Interview

I’m still in awe over yesterdays’s nest of Dungeon Siege pictures, but the DSVault also posted an informative interview about the progress of this isometric RPG-with-action with lead designer Chris Taylor. A shaving about monster loot: Q: If I’m facing…

Star Wars Galaxies 4th Race Recognized

Verant has now revealed the fourth Star Wars Galaxies playable race and it may not be what you were expecting. It certainly was a surprise to me, though admittedly if I had read as much Star Wars lore as many…

Heart of Winter Chat Log

Straight from our suddenly very popular Icewind Dale Sanctuary, take it Buck! Lucian, one of our dedicated viewers, has pointed out that Planet Baldur’s Gate has posted up an official Heart of Winter chat log from GameSpy Arcade. Now, I…

Wizardry 8 Enrichment

You’ll find this piece of news refreshing if your thirst for Wizardry 8 information is, like mine, unending. GamesDomain plopped up a page’s length preview of this massive-looking stat happy RPG by Sirtech Canada set in complete 3D. A sprinkling:…

Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor Interview

Whenever people talk about AD&D computer gaming, the name SSI will come up sooner or later. SSI made gaming history with its legendary “Gold Box” series. In 1988, SSI released the original Pool of Radiance game. In the seven years…

Dungeon Siege – They’re not Renders, They’re Real!

Tell me I’m dreaming. Unbelievable. If anyone in the game industry doesn’t become breathless when looking at these five astronomically beautiful screenshots Dungeon Siege Vault posted of the upcoming roleplaying/strat game, I simply have to question your sanity. 😉 My…

Q & A’s on the Star Wars Galaxies Homefront

Shug_Ninx, content supervisor for team-Verant, the company responsible for bringing us the MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies in the future, issued a call to message board lurkers to post their any questions about the game up at the official SWG boards,…

Working on Wizardry 8

One of the programming bandits working on the incredible looking RPG Wizardry 8 for the last year, Steve Taylor, deserves some attention with a little design log at RPGVault that in part discusses the monster pathing in place within the…

Dark Age of Camelot Movies

Crossroads of Camelot has posted up four AVI movies of wizard and sorceror spells in action from the land of Albion, including “Absorb Energy”, “Earth Meld”, “Vital Extraction”, and “Minor Meteor”. These are definitely a must-see for any of you…

Neverwinter Nights Reconnaissance

Gameloft provides us with a new glimpse of Neverwinter Nights, BioWare’s multiplayer/single player RPG that will likely be a candidate for RPG of the year, and probably game of the year as well. If you feel a bit of deja…