
GameBanshee Feature: HoW Walkthrough

After several hours of looking through my notes and taking screenshots this evening, I have posted up a complete walkthrough for the Icewind Dale expansion, Heart of Winter. You can find it in our Icewind Dale section by clicking here.

Shadowbane Background & Screenshots

rThe God Games Shadowbane site now sports a new feature called “The Legend of Shadowbane”, which serves as a background for the MMORPG. The initial background installment, the Age of Kings, is currently available for your reading pleasure. Check it…

Origin Melee Comments

Another edition of team comments is up at the official page for the 2nd generation of Ultima Online entitled, Ultima Worlds Online: Origin and it deals with the melee system in the upcoming MMORPG. Here’s a dab about the effects…

Anarchy Online All Over

We look over to our left and see PC.ign, the site that was able to sneak a few hours into the recent beta of the MMORPG taking the testers for a sci-fi spin, Anarchy Online. The long page preview, typical…

Black & White Complete – Preview

To celebrate the fact that Peter Molyneux’s humble game Black & White has been sent in for review to be GOLD, Raily Dadar whipped up a little preview to tide us over till BW-day. Here’s a slice on the difference…

Polished Wizardry 8 Preview

I’ll start this Wizardry 8 newsbit off with a quote: I would say that this is the first game ever to properly model the monster commonly known as a “slime”. Wiz 8’s slimes look like they’re made of jelly; they…

Horizons Bits of Q & A

The Horizons Vault now has yesterday’s brief Q & A with Artifact Entertainment slammed up at their site (seriously, they slammed it rotten, yeah). A glimpse: Is it possible to be a pirate in Horizons? Will there be supply shipments…

Physics of Black & White

I think it’s safe to assume that Lionhead Studios won’t be making the same mistake with Black & White that was made with Trespasser. If you remember (and I know most of you are still trying to forget), that game…