
MMORPG Big Bang?

RPGPlanet poses the question, “Will there be enough demand for the massive amount of MMORPG’s coming out?” in a recent 2 page ponderous article. Here’s a small explosion of words I nabbed: Without players to fill their servers, MMORPGs would…

Freedom Force Preview

GameSpy has kicked up a two-page preview of Freedom Force, the upcoming superhero RPG from Irrational Games. Here’s a bit to get you started: In Freedom Force, you can be one of 14 different superheroes, and control up to three…

Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance Announced

It’s been done before. Even Ultima 7 was ported to Nintendo. So with the next generation of consoles, Black Isle Studios is catering to the demand of the PS2 crowd and bringing them a brand new 3rd-person action/adventure named Baldur’s…

Positively Pleasant Everquesting

If you’ve never played a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game before, I can say from experience that you probably don’t know what you’re missing… it’s just a whole unique experience to be had – also one of the more addictive…

DAoC Pixel Presents

RPGDot receieved a gift from a beta tester in the form of screenshots of Mythic’s MMORPG, Dark Age of Camelot. There are a few pages, and to see all, please fandango over to the RPG site that doesn’t need coffee…

Anarchy Online Screen Captures

What MMORPG doesn’t have some sort of spider as one of the beginning creatures? <wonders if Atriarch will as well, being that it’s mostly an alien game> Voodooextreme posted two new shots from the beta of the sci-fi MMORPG that’s…

Atriarch Fiction

For those fan-fiction lovers (just come on out already, it’s time to stop denying it), the Official Atriarch Site, home to the weird and fantastic-looking future MMORPG Atriarch has been updated with some casual reading material. Not only that, they’re…

Heart of Winter Giveaway

In association with PC FUN, RPGDot is giving away one copy of Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter (once it is released). All you have to do to enter the contest is answer 4 questions. Click here to get in on…

Freedom Force Preview

ActionTrip has written up a two-page preview of Freedom Force, the upcoming tactical RPG from Irrational Games. A snippet: Each character also has a unique mixture of stats and attributes. Stats are simple in a sense that they determine the…

Ultima VIII for Windows?

The same man who was responsible for the patch to enable you to run the fabulous game Ultima VII in Windows 9.x has done it again with Ultima VIII (that’s 8 for the roman numerically challenged). Thanks goes out to…