
The Camelot Guild

Following their tradition of MMORPG coverage (EQ’Lizer, Shadowbane Authority, etc), GameZNet has opened the doors to a brand new area, the Camelot Guild. This area focuses on the upcoming MMORPG from Mythic Entertainment, Dark Age of Camelot. Check out their…

Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns Preview

The crazies over at GameZNet have posted up a preview for the upcoming Strategy/RPG game, Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns. Here’s a bit of what they had to say about the game: The roleplaying elements of the game will have role-playing gamers…

Baldur’s Gate 2: What Went Wrong?

Baldur’s Gate II, one of the most polished games to come out, ever, is not one that many have criticized in detail. However, in GA-RPG’s new weekly column, Biofiles, James Ohlen, the director of BioWare’s writing and design department and…

RPGs of 2001 Advance Peek

If you haven’t been exactly up to date on what’s coming out in the RPG world, RPG Planet has just the piece for you. First, they have a snippet and picture of 15 of the most anticipated RPGs of 2001;…

Soule Brothers Interview

GameSpy has posted up an interview with Jeremy and Julian Soule, the music composers for various games, including Icewind Dale and Heart of Winter. Here’s a snippet: GameSpy: You receive a project from said game company. What process do you…

UWO: Origin Website Update

The Ultima Worlds Online: Origin website has been updated with new screenshots and rendered art from the game, including concept art of the demon and dragon. Take a look by clicking here.

Shadowbane Snaps

The official site to one of the nicer looking MMORPG’s to be released in the near future, Shadowbane, has been updated with 4 new screen snaps as well as links to a variety of other sites with more brand new…

Neverwinter Nights Interview

The guys over at GA-RPG were able to get Rob Bartel of BioWare to answer a few questions about the upcoming Neverwinter Nights. There’s even a question regarding an expansion for Baldur’s Gate II thrown into the fray, which I…

Living the Morrowind Fantasy

If they can make a decent MMORPG look as good as Bethesda’s single player upcoming graphical goliath of an RPG The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind, I think the world’s divorce rate would significantly increase. I look at the screenshots and say…

Vote for Best Game Developer

Voodoo Extreme’s holding an ego-checking poll, asking this time, “Who is your favorite game developer?” You may choose from the list of 19 developers including Verant, BioWare, Epic, id, Blizzard, etc. This should be interesting. It’s found on the left…