
Blizzard Contest and Diablo II

First, the name of the Diablo II expansion pack has been released in a press release today. It’s name? Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. Among the other infopuffs in the press release, they’ve claimed to have sold over 2.75 million…

WCIII @ the Blizzard Cinema

With the usual Blizzard flair (let’s face it, they kick more glutius maximus than a herd of pissed off donkeys at anything that has to do with cinematics… okay and gameplay too), the official site opened with a 14 mb…

Promising RPG’s of ’01

GamesDomain, the site that’s picked it up a notch or two lately with regard to features, gives us a sampling of 10 of the (a few years ago there weren’t even 10 RPG’s coming out, period) sweetest looking RPGs on…

Sega Still “Supportive”

As a followup to yesterday, there’s an article over at Gamespot and at MCV that both cover Sega’s response to a Japanese mag’s allogation they are discontinuing the Dreamcast. Here’s the crux of it from Gamespot: In response to the…

Dark Age of Camelot Mammoth Tour

Though still in beta and with many features yet to implement, the initial impressions of the MMORPG set in the fabled Albion, Dark Age of Camelot, are quite positive from the testers. Many have already lost their real lives at…

Black & White Glimpse

The god-game that is colored in a way as if it could pass for a next-gen Nintendo game (with more colors, and I don’t mean it as an insult… it’s just really vibrant. I’d put Warcraft III in the same…

Shadowbane PR Picking Up

We have someone at the Shadowbane offices to thank for deciding it was time to reveal more about this MMORPG to the community. The official SB page was updated again (see their recent new screens) with maps, descriptions and histories…

Neocron Q & A

Joerg Schwiezer, the founder of Reakktor, the company behind the futuristic city-sim MMORPG Neocron fires off a page full of answers to NeoTerm’s e-interview. I found this buried within: Q: Please describe the features within the game to keep it…

Sega Dreamcast No Mas

Not RPG or computer game related, but nevertheless a stunner. The Sega Dreamcast, Sega’s 128-bit video game machine that came after the Saturn and has been around in the US since, you remember, 9/9/99 is no longer going to be…

Shadowbane Snaps

Well it’s been a while, and it’s nice to see some news from the not so far off MMORPG, Shadowbane. The official SB site now has 6 new screenshots of a monster encounter set in a mist jungle with ancient-looking…