
EverQuest Lore Quiz

This quiz brought to us by RPGPlanet is dedicated to those that have an intimate knowledge of the MMORPG current champ, Everquest… those “roleplayers” who are perpetually at level 15-30 or those high levels who, since knowing every nook and…

One Week

Unfortunately, I have to fly out today to St. Louis for a week-long workshop (for my fulltime job). I will be unable to do any updates during this time, but please keep the emails coming as some of the other…

Shadowbane Website Updated

Contrary to popular belief, the guys over at Wolfpack haven’t left us… in fact, they’ve updated the official Shadowbane website with some very nice screenshots of a swamp and its denizens (lizardmen). You can check out the new screenies at…

Myth III Making a Difference

The lead designer for the recently announced Myth III tells GA-Strategy why his game is going to stand out among the other fantasy tactical real-time strat games. =) For the main course (as it’s fairly brief) plus a duo of…

UWO: Origin Lead Designer Speaks

The week wait is finally over. A new team comments briefing at from the lead designer of the MMORPG Ultima Worlds Online: Origin has now officially been posted. It details an interesting and, as I gather, very important tool…

Kingdom Under Fire Strategy Web Site

The Stratos Group has posted up a free online strategy website for Phantagram’s “Kingdom Under Fire”. This excerpt is straight from the email I received: The Stratos Group has spent several months preparing the most comprehensive strategy Web site ever…

Evil Islands Preview

It’s an RPG mainly with elements of the strategy genre and its name is Evil Islands: Curse of the Lost Soul (all these blending of genres makes my head swim with the different possibilities). Find out what this game (which…

Wiz 8 Photo Jam

For a little visual stimulation, take a look at another slew of shots from the RPG Wizardry 8, showing off the spell interface a few encounters.

20 Q&A’s with Neverwinter Nights’ Producer

A) This upcoming RPG looks amazingly polished and well thought out. And 2) it appears it’s going to deliver what it promises, and that’s ease of use and unexhaustable Dungeon Master customizeability in an AD&D world. The game is the…

Followup to “IT”

I just found a link over on BluesNews that leads us to an actual Flash presentation of “IT.” “IT” cannot be defined right now by the media leading to mass speculation on what could “be bigger than the internet or…