
DAoC Gallery o’ Magic

A big part of keeping the pleebs (plebians) coming back for more in an MMORPG is the, well, oooh-ahhhh factor of the spells. For a reason I can’t pinpoint, the pool of screenshots found at RPGVault seem a bit more…

UWO: Origin and Ultima V

Here’s some related newstids. First, in prominent MMORPG news, UltimaHaven boasts of a new screenshot of a female Jukan casting two simultaneous spells in the (IMHO) beautiful-looking Ultima Worlds Online: Origin. Secondly, you might know already that there’s a team…

Fatherdale Exploratory Preview

Git ready for a new single-player RPG in the forseeable future being worked on by the Russian developer, Snowball Interactive (very appropriate and catchy… kinda reminiscent of “Blizzard”) called Fatherdale: The Guardians of Asgard (oh my, I hope they do…

Arx Screenshots

RPGDot has posted up 9 exclusive screenshots of Arkane Studios’ upcoming dungeon-crawl RPG Arx. Check ’em out right here.

DAoC Deep Look

An enthusiastic beta-tester over at CamelotHQ has detailed his adventures in that soon-to-come MMORPG that seems to get better with every beta revision (so I’ve read), Dark Age of Camelot, with a new second impression of the game after putting…

Myth III First Glance

Myth III, the recently announced sequel to one of the most innovative series in recent history (realtime tactical strategy), is finally making the switch to complete 3D; the first two were 3D terrain and 2D character sprites. Computer Games Online…

Black & White Detailed Interview

As we’re nearly just a month away from the release of Peter Molyneux’s gem-to-be (we sincerely hope), Black & White, the Dutch site brings us a 2 page interview that tells us what to expect and not to expect,…


The guys over at GameZNet (you know, the peeps that brought you EQ’Lizer) have opened up a new website entitled “GameZView”. It’s essentially a search engine to anything gaming-related you’d ever want to find. Search for cheats, news, reviews, and…

Resurrection Preview/Screenshots

The German website Gildenweb has posted up a preview of the upcoming first-person RPG, Resurrection. Unfortunately, if you’re unilingual (like me), you won’t be able to read it… but they do have some nice screenshots to take a look at.…

Heart of Winter Preview

ActionTrip is the latest site with a preview for the upcoming expansion for Icewind Dale, Heart of Winter. Here’s a bit of what they had to say (item spoilers to follow): The designers balanced the power of magical items in…