
Neverwinter Nights BeOS Interview

BeGroovy has posted up an interview with BioWare on the decision to port Neverwinter Nights to the BeOS operating system. There isn’t a whole lot of new information about the game itself, but it’s still a good read on why…

Desslock’s Ramblings

GameSpot’s RPG news editor, Desslock, posted up another article on Friday describing the current state of the gaming website industry. He talks about the financial difficulties of some of the bigger sites and revenue providers (such as UGO), as well…

Morrowind Screenshots

In case you haven’t seen them yet, the official Morrowind website has posted up nine new screenshots that have appeared in recent articles by Computer Gaming World (February issue) and CNet Gamecenter. Check ’em out by clicking here.

Neverwinter Nights Q&A

The gang over at VE have been lovingly suckled like a newborn calf from the team at BioWare, who’s Trent “Gnome-basher” Oster, the lead designer for the upcoming RPG experience Neverwinter Nights gave them an interview with answers to a…

Horizons’ World Designer Interview

Scott Blinn, a world designer working on the in-the-works MMORPG Horizons was bribed by HorizonsHQ into giving a 3 page interview about his role and the aspects of the game he’s familiar with. It’s definitely worth taking a look at.

GamePen’s 2k Award Ceremony

It’s been a couple of days now, and what that means this time of year… now get ready because I know you’re going to be surprised; why it’s time for another year end award ceremony! This time the games are…

Fallout Tactics’ Many Screenies

Only because they went the extra mile to deliver heaps of them and despite the demo already being available (you can find it at fileplanet), if you’re interested in the strategic tactical game based upon one of the best RPG’s…

Morrowind Brief

For those that would like a gist of what Bethesda has cooking on all four burners, a single-player RPG hoping to raise the bar again just as Baldur’s Gate II did, entitled The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind, use your current browser…

UWO: Origin Chat Log

Judging not only by the sheer amount of questions fans of the upcoming MMORPG, Ultima Worlds Online: Origin, asked the other night, but the range and specificness of the questions, this chat with the Dev Team was one of the…

BioWare Interview

GameSpy was lucky enough to track down Marc Holmes of BioWare for one of their “Art of Gaming” interviews. You get to learn lots of good stuff about the man (whose art is absolutely awesome) and get some more of…