
Warcraft III Night Elf Interview

Our hunger is for now, satiated. We now have a lot more information about the last race to be unveiled in the game that puts everyone on hold when they hear the name, the RPS (Role Playing Strat) Warcraft III.…

Horizons’ Happenings

Well well well… look here Hanz. We have three new bits of the MMORPG Horizons stuff to talk about. First, check out two new screenshots of the steed you’re going to be able to ride around on (I’ll call him…

Best of 2000, on Repeat

Lots of news yesterday… and today for that matter. I was baking homemade bread for Christmas, literally, yesterday which is why I’m getting to the more important stuff today =). Old Married Guys, the number one searched for site on…

GameBanshee MMORPG Poll Coming Back!

The recent poll, the new “King of MMORPGs” we had up was experiencing some technical difficulties, so we had to shut her down the other day for a temporary fix. It will be back soon so be sure and check…

Atriarch Interview

The matriarch of Atriarch (I couldn’t resist), the alien oriented MMORPG set to go against the likes of Anarchy Online and Dark Age of Camelot, President of World Fusion and lead designer of Atriarch, Serafina Pechan (tell me she isn’t…

The Great Gaming Crash of ’02

It’s just been too long since the great crash of 1984. Atari was no more, there wasn’t anything to interest the gaming crowds… heck, even I don’t remember what i did during that era. I believe I just played and…

Morrowind Teaser Peek

The hotdogs at Bethesda Softworks allowed Gamecenter into their offices recently to take a look at what must be the most exquisitely beautiful RPG in development. Notice I didn’t have the three letters MMO before the RPG. It’s single player…

Digesting Star Wars

The Official page for the MMORPG that’s going to be bigger than Pokemon (well…), Star Wars Galaxies, has a brand new “issue” of their Developer Digest, a little page including many of the team’s forum posts during the previous week.…

Majesty Expansion Screenies

StrategyPlanet has posted up a dozen screenshots for the upcoming expansion to the RTS/RPG game Majesty, entitled “The Northern Expansion”. I know the original game supplied me with some pretty good wholesome fun and the expansion looks to supplement the…

On the State of the Gaming Industry

Warren Spector, the man behind the game Deus Ex let Stomped in on what he thinks is going on around the gaming industry at the end of Y2K in a fairly short but very interesting interview. He covers subjects such…