
A DAoC Crystal Ball

Don’t know what Dark Age of Camelot is or can’t get enough? For whatever desire you possess, PCParadox has squeezed more info from the 2nd beta phase of the MMORPG DAoC, which should come next year at some point past…

More Heart of Winter

RPGPlanet has 16 new exclusive screenshots of the expansion pack for Icewind Dale, Heart of Winter. Included in the fray is a screenshot of one of the newly added items, a hammer entitled “Inconsequence”. Check out the rest of them…

Anarchy Online Chat Loaf

Put yourself in-the-know by having a look at the latest word on the next major MMORPG set to come out, Anarchy Online. The recent House of Commons AO Chat was perfectly recreated and spiffed up nicely to ease that visual…

Gamespy’s Game of the Year Results

The votes were counted (hopefully by any non-Floridian) and now Gamespy is able to present their Best of the Year 2000 Awards, a weeklong smorgasbord of gaming fun, a sampling of two genres or platforms per day. Dive directly to…

News Update

If you’ve been wondering why I’ve not posted as much lately, well, there’s good reason… it’s because I’ve been demoted to just do 1 or 2 a day, they were just too damned good, people were getting jealous… I got…

Desslock’s RPG News Editorial

GameSpot’s Desslock has written another RPG News Editorial, this time with the title of “Superseded Gold”. It gives a rundown of different gaming engines and how they could never compare to the longevity that the SSI “Gold Box” games were…

Ad Banners

You’ve probably noticed a few changes with the ad banners over the weekend. We’ve been trying to get some bugs worked out where the ad banner doesn’t allow the page to display. Things should be working as they’re supposed to…

Another Heart of Winter Preview

This time you can get your Heart of Winter fix over at GA-RPG. Although somewhat short, the preview should keep your anticipation high for the expansion we’re all waiting for. Click here to give it a look.

Severance Screenshots

Gildenweb have gotten their hands on 18 exlusive high-resolution screenshots for the upcoming RPG Severance: Blade of Darkness. It looks to be a cross between Rune and Tombraider. Check out the screenies by clicking here.

Amazing BioWare Edited Chat Log

You know that IRC-like chat with the BioWare team last Wednesday night? Well, I am pleased and very much amazed to present news of an edited chat log of the event (featuring many questions by Gamebanshee’s Buck, Equis and myself).…